Lightweight classic

Didier Parakian clothing boutique in Rostov-on-Don

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

A photo: Olga Lartseva

Project author: Vyacheslav Kozlov

Designer: Anna Shemuratova

Magazine: (130)

The boutique of French women's clothing Didier Parakian in Rostov-on-Don is one of the most beautiful in the city. "We decided, - says the architect Vyacheslav Kozlov, - to make a certain synthesis of modern design and classics. Large display windows, light beige tones in the interior, classic ornaments on glass, made according to the technology of the beginning of the last century - all the decor was invented by us. By the way, in France, Didier Parakian's boutiques are decorated with European modesty and minimalism. We made classics at our own risk. The French representatives of this brand liked our decision so much that they expressed a desire to take our style as a basis for the network of French stores. "