The stone blocks is the road-building material executed in the form of the bars having various form. Most often produced in the form of a regular parallelepiped. There are different types of paving stones, made by different technologies.
In large cities, up to the 20s of the last century, pavement was used for paving streets and sidewalks. Its application went everywhere in all developed countries, where there was a need for laying roads due to the increased number of vehicles. Over time, it was driven out by asphalt and concrete, due to its cheaper price and the huge number of roads that needed to be covered. Recently the stone blocks is applied more and more often, both in a city building, and on country private sites.
- 1 Types of paving stones
- 2 The pros and cons of pavers
- 3 Methods for laying pavers
- 4 The process of laying pavers: technology work
- 4.1 Display pedestrian area
- 4.2 Creating a blind area
- 4.3 Creating an area for the passage or parking of passenger vehicles
- 4.4 Laying the territory of travel heavy vehicles
Types of paving stones
The main types of paving stones:
- Granite pavers. The strongest road material. Granite has high strength and durability. The road, paved with granite masonry, will retain its original properties up to half a century of intensive use. She is not afraid of deformation and mechanical damage. It has an aesthetic appearance, is used for paving of paths, squares, pavements. She is not afraid of temperature drops, the change of seasons and the loss of a large amount of precipitation.
Clinker pavement. Делается из глины специального сорта, путем her обжига на высоких температурных режимах до полного спекания. Частицы минералов, находящиеся в куске глины, запекаются до состояния монолита, и впоследствии по своим физическим свойствам не уступают натуральному камню. Она противостоит влаге — не впитывает осадки, ей не страшны какие-либо химические воздействия, она не выгорает на солнце под прямыми лучами, механические повреждения ей так же не страшны. Широкое применение имherт в обустройстве территорий для отдыха, зон проходимости пешеходами, парковок, территорий перед домами. Отлично подходит для дизайнерской фантазии — ей можно придать различную форму и создать декоративный орнамент.
- Vibropress paving. It is made from concrete mix, in which dyes are added. The cost of such a coating is low, but the strength and quality do not disappoint. It can be used for lining automobile carriageways, even where there is high traffic.
- Rubber pavers. This is a new type of material, it is environmentally friendly, used for walking and garden paths. It is also well found use in children's playgrounds, terraces and feet. This type of paving stones is not traumatic, therefore, has found wide application in the improvement of children's institutions.
The pros and cons of pavers
Recently, paving stones are gaining popularity again, as they have a number of incomparable advantages:
- durability use due to high strength;
- it is resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion;
- coating easy to repair. But another plus is the fact that the repair of the pavement requires extremely rarely;
her do not wash sediments. On the road lined with paving stones, subject to the correct technology of laying does not form puddles. Water and sediment go into the ground between the stones;
- environmental friendliness material. In comparison with asphalt, which, when heated, can release substances harmful to humans and the environment;
- simplicity and ease of laying . Ее легко разобрать, если необходимо проложить какие-либо коммуникации, и также просто установить coating на свое место;
- the stone blocks possesses incomparably successful appearance, a variety of forms and flowers. So it will be very easy to choose a particular type of paving stone for any design plan.
The disadvantages include a fairly high price for natural stone. If stone blocks are used from granite, then it is also difficult to process, which means that many costs are spent on its production.
Paving methods
In general, there are three main ways of laying pavers. The choice of a particular one depends on future operating conditions:
To create walkways, platforms, paving is laid on the base of layers of rubble, gravel, sand.
- If the paving is laid out territory for the passage of cars, or it is a garage or a parking lot, then in that case the pavement is laid on the base from crushed stone and cement-sand mixture.
- На тех территориях, где возможен проезд болher тяжелого автотранспорта и грузовых машин или автобусов, брусчатку кладут на бетон.
Paving process: paving technology
Since paving stone is an excellent material for covering walkways, porches
Display pedestrian area
- Produced by territory marking.
- Soil layer is removed, while it is removed at an angle to seeping water did not stagnate under the path, and flowed to its edges.
- Then primer condense. To do this, use a special tool. Such as plate compactors, pneumatic or electric tampers. Or in the usual dacha conditions, you can use the manual tamper made by yourself.
After the base is properly compacted, it is covered with layers of gravel or gravel. Then compaction is performed again. Layer thickness must be up to 10 cm Щебень будет выполнять функцию дренажа и вся вода будет проходить насквозь и впитываться в грунт. Без слоя из щебня можно обойтись только в том случае, если выкладываемая поверхность защищена от осадков какой-либо крышей, например на территории отдыха, где имherтся дачная беседка.
- On top of the gravel is placed cement-sand mortar (3 to 1) and laid out curbs.
- На следующий день создается песчаная подушка. Толщина her должна быть not less 10 cm. Best suited river sand without admixture of clay. Sand layer carefully aligned and abundantly moistened with water, until the appearance of puddles. After which it must be compacted and compacted.
- The final stage goes directly paving stones, в соответствии с выбранным дизайном будущей дорожки. Кладут her постукивая киянкой.
- After laying out the whole web, it is advisable to walk with a piece of concrete in order to compact the stone blocks.
- In the end you need to place the surface fine sand, it will fill the gaps between the parts and hold them together.
Creating a blind area
Laying the blind area around the apartment building is carried out on the same principle. But, there is a slight significant difference. After all, the main purpose of the blind area around the house is water drainage from the foundation. To do this, it is necessary to lay out the soil with plastic wrap before laying the rubble layer or create another type waterproofing. And it is important to remember to make a slope from the wall of the house.
Creating an area for the passage or parking of passenger vehicles
The laying technique in this case has the following differences from the methods described above:
crushed stone laid out thick 15–20 cm;
- sand cushion up to 15 cm;
- after the sand has been moistened and compacted, a layer of dry is poured cement-sand mixture (6 to 1) up to 5 centimeters;
- after the completion of the paving stones the surface is abundant shed waterto harden the cement;
- after final sanding the surface is no longer compacted виброплитой;
- clolers in this case is better to use mechanized. Manual thrombosis is insufficient;
Laying the territory of travel heavy vehicles
After laying the gravel layer to a thickness of 15 cm, formwork is built and concrete is poured to 15 centimeters. You can also reinforce concrete with mesh, которая располагается в его толще. Формируется уклон. Сверху кладется cement-sand mortar толщиной до трех сантиметров. Укладка брусчатки производится после застывания бетонного основания. После выстойки поверхности, швы заполняются затирочной смесью специально подобранной для брусчатки.
Thus, you can lay out the territory of your own suburban area with this convenient to use material. Paths, blind areas, garage and roadway will get a new, finished look.