Jazz band from khomutov

Petersburg cafe LaGoga Vyacheslav Chomutov

Passing the gallery

A photo: Victor Vasilyev

Text: Olga Gvozdeva

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Architect: Vyacheslav Chomutov

Designer: Marina Tulakina

Computer graphics: Oksana Bilan

Furniture: Nick Beilinson

Builder: Alexey Pronin

Photoconcept: Valery Shablovsky

Magazine: N4 (82) 2004

Sometimes serious things grow out of nothing. The image of the St. Petersburg cafe LaGoga (Traveling street, 6) arose from the name of a joke, in which the name of the owner is encrypted. His enlarged portrait adorns the wall in one of the halls. Actually the idea belongs to the designer Vyacheslav Khomutov. His portrait in the interior is not. But around the perimeter of the cafe hangs many photographs of female nudes. Despite the rationality, the interior has a psychedelic essence, and each element exists in its own rhythm. Musical overtones are not accidental: each item here is handmade. The author of the project made his usual role as a "conductor", masterfully selecting the composition for his work.