Новый restaurant "Orangery" in Dnepropetrovsk - это отдельно стоящее здание, практически все из стекла. "Мы хотели добиться прозрачности (в прямом смысле этого слова) и гармонии, - рассказывает Evgeniy Kulinyak. - Therefore, the people sitting in the restaurant, almost do not feel where the interior ends and the exterior begins. For interior design, we chose only natural colors: blue is the sky, white is the air, blue is the sea ... And in front of the building we made a beautiful landscape. "Zoning in the Greenhouse is performed by sofas and armchairs. There are no partitions or heavy columns. White Italian furniture lighting from SWAROVSKI and the glass bar counter, made according to the architect’s sketches, create the ecological style so fashionable today.