Impressive visibility

Salon "Design Interior" of the company "PAYL" (St. Petersburg) Igor Ladin

Passing the gallery

Text: Nadezhda Serebryakova

A photo: George Shablovsky

Architect: Igor Ladin

Magazine: N6 (29) 1999

Creating the "Design-Interior" salon in St. Petersburg, the company "PAYL" pursued a very specific goal: to show, using the example of one object, the company's capabilities in the field of designing and finishing rooms. Now that the plan has been implemented, it is clear that the task has been completed. The common space is divided into three rooms, each of which differs from others in architecture and design - including furniture, color palette, lighting. To emphasize the diversity of the latter, a whole range of decorative elements was used: consoles, false ceilings and walls, suspended structures, and illuminated pools. By the way, pay attention to how unusually the doorways and the carrier column in the first hall are beaten. Everything in the cabin is focused on high functionality, mobility and ability to transform. Well and, of course, originality of design decisions is important. As a result, the salon was a good demonstration of the benefits of an integrated approach to interior design.