Moscow Center for High Technologies of IBM Company Murat Sahtaryek, Ruslan Medvedev
Passing the gallery
Text: Julia Shaginurova
A photo: Karen Manko
Architect: Murat Sakhtarjek, Ruslan Medvedev
Magazine: N6 (73) 2003
In the Moscow studio "Arch Those Those" make conceptual architecture. This fact should be obvious to customers from the moment when they first hear the name of the project office under the direction of Murat Sahtaryek. One of the latest projects, "Archi Those Who" is so radical that its publication is impossible: it is a completely white room without windows, onto the walls of which a video image is projected. Such a sample of virtual architecture serves as a showroom for a company selling video projectors. Architects from Sakhtarjek’s workshop did not come up so radically, but no less creatively, to the design decision of IBM’s high-tech center in Moscow (B. Cherkassky Lane, 2). IBM Studio in Moscow is a local precedent in the field of design for rooms with such a function. It is a function (selling computer equipment and computer software) that brought architects to the idea of a futuristic sterile space. The result was a model of a scientific laboratory in the context of the architecture of the mall, with ancient vaults and whitewashed brickwork. The central compositional detail here is a rack of parallel layers of thick glass, unambiguously quoting the IBM logo. Parallel rows of transformer pedestals come up to the rack, as if floating above the floor thanks to a "slump" lower backlight. "We wanted to create a symbiosis of the laboratory, in which nanotechnologies of the future and the lithographic workshop of Silicon Valley will be demonstrated," they say in Archi Te Who. More "moderate" zones adjoin the gallery - a meeting room and a conference room for those who on duty make the cars of the future part of the present.