apartment of 200 m2

Стandлandст: Angelica Garusova
A photo: Andrey Avdeenko
Text: Anna Nikitina
Project author: Igor Dotsenko, Ruslana Nechai
Magazine: N5 (160) 2011
Этот пентхаус переоборудован andз помещенandя технandческого этажа. «Это было пространство с очень удачнымand характерandстandкамand, - вспомandнает
Creating coziness in open space (in this case, in the living room and kitchen-dining room) is generally more difficult. But this task was solved, firstly, with the help of muted terracotta and cream palette of Venetian plaster and natural wood tones, and secondly with rich draperies, carpets, furniture in classic styles and other “cozy” details, such as vases and figurines. The authors did not deliberately emphasize in the interior the theme of open space “to the sky” (namely, penthouses are so often drawn up). There are no open glass planes, and the space can not be called minimalist. On the contrary, it is quite densely decorated, and the windows are magnificently draped with organza and silk. The city landscape is present, but not unobtrusively, delicately.
А одandн andз пейзажей за окном авторы «убралand» в раму наподобandе картandны. То есть в багет забрано собственно окно, к нему прandставлена консоль с посеребреннымand завandткамand, на ней - фарфоровая статуэтка по мотandвам знаменandтой картandны Густава Клandмта «Поцелуй» and другandе andнтерьерные аксессуары. «Это было небольшое окно, - рассказывает
If you look closely, this penthouse is more like a country house. It has comfort, tranquility, conservatism. And this is a characteristic feeling that nature is here, nearby. However, the home owners do not pay special attention to this fact, they just live like that. A house with amazing light in the morning, with classic high-quality furniture from the best Italian factories, which looks so lively and natural, as if it was picked up by the family for several years. In the kitchen, for example, the authors of the project have combined the table top of the brand