A hereditary French aristocrat told us about the title, greyhounds and his gallery "Graf Elize" in Moscow, where, in particular, the porcelain of his family manufactory is represented.

Magazine: N4 (214) 2016
Tell us about your roots. “My father belongs to an ancient aristocratic family. Counts de Monspey received the title in the XIII century. Mother — from a family of Limoges merchants Raynaud. My great-great-great-grandfather Marcial founded the porcelain manufactory RAYNAUD in the middle of the XIX century. Now it is probably the best porcelain in France.
SALON: You inherited a case? - Yes, and multiplied family wealth. In many ways, by the way, thanks to Russia.
S: How long have you been doing business here? —My great-great-grandfather was the imperial court supplier. In my private collection there is, for example, a series of cups that the manufactory has produced for Nicholas II. I opened the Count Elise Gallery in 1998. The name and logo reflects the connection between my family and your country. Elise is my third name (there are eight of them). This is a rare name in France, at the same time they named our "Kremlin" —Elysee Palace, the whole world also knows the Paris “Tverskaya” —Elysee field. Thus, it is associated with status and fame. In the logo of the gallery you see my monogram under the count's crown, supported by two greyhounds. I am a passionate hunter. I love greyhounds for their intelligence, grip and scent. Just those qualities that are needed to do business. And here, again, there is a connection with your history: after all, not a single royal hunt could do without a pack of greyhounds.
S: Do you have only the brand name RAYNAUD? - Basically, but not only. We have a lot of silver from another famous French brand, ERCUIS, silversmiths from the beginning of the 20th century. There are antiques and modern items of the collection level.
S: What is luxury for you? —Quality and history. Quality things will last a long time, will become part of the family heritage. We specialize in custom-made things, we can decorate the service with a pattern with a customer's favorite flower or a customer's monogram. Such things, the finest work, bearing the imprint of a person, dreams, memories, will lay the foundation for family history.
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