Maria Silver knew from childhood that she would be an architect. After all, an architect is not only a profession, it is a world view, a way of being. When Maria made a collection of furniture for the Italian brand Visionnaire, she thought about big cities, about Russians and Italians, and that a person can have a sense of flight not only in a dream

Interview prepared: Olga Korotkova
A photo: Ivan Sorokin
Magazine: Decor N7 (184) 2013
In April, in the days of the Milan exhibition, our meeting with Maria Serebryana took place in the atmosphere of her personal triumph. She was happy to share with us the history of creating our own furniture collection for the cult Italian factory: “During 15 years of work at the Dom-A bureau, which we created with Sergey Makushev and Alexander Becker, I had to design furniture for specific projects many times, because every customer wants something special, unique in their home. But with my collection for VISIONNAIRE a slightly different story.
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