People pay more attention to the design of the bathroom, and all its components are directly related to the properties of water. In the literal sense, it is moisture-resistant surfaces and engineering structures, and in the figurative it is a peculiar design.

Magazine: Nha (208) 2015
It is very interesting to observe what metamorphosis has been occurring in design lately and how the various ideas born in society, science and technology influence it. This is especially noticeable in the example of the bathroom, because the role of this room has changed dramatically over the past decades, and the design readily responded to these innovations. Previously, the requirements for functionality and moisture resistance were imposed on the bathroom interiors, and there was a rather limited list of ways to implement them. Then, in the interior fashion, there was a tendency towards emotionality, and after this a sensual design appeared with a variety of colors and textures. First of all, the craze for a healthy lifestyle reflected on the technical equipment of the bathrooms: they turned into mini – branches of wellness centers and spas with the ability to conduct water massages, chromo and aromatherapy. And when society was concerned about the ethical problems associated with the environment, there appeared devices that efficiently use water, and manufacturers of plumbing and finishing materials began to focus on the environmental friendliness of their technologies. As a result, in the design of the bathroom began to be welcomed natural materials: wood, stone, ceramics. And, finally, in the design of the bathroom, there was a direction for absolute personification, play, irony, deliberate simplicity, freedom, stylistic as well. And here in our collection are examples of such design. Although what is the end? To be continued…
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