restaurant Viz-a-Viz in Odessa

A photo: Roman Town Hall
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Architect: Yury Belikov, Sergey Teplyakov, Elena Yuzikova, Alla Gashibayazova
Magazine: N10 (110) 2006
When designing any restaurant, architects, designers and decorators have to take into account the kitchen: if the main dishes in the restaurant are classic European, then most likely the customer will ask you to make the restaurant in a classic style. The most attractive thing for architects is fusion cuisine. You can experiment with design as you please. The new restaurant Viz-a-Viz (with fusion cuisine) in Odessa is one of those establishments that, depending on the time of day, changes almost beyond recognition. The secret is simple: the monochrome interior is transformed due to changing lighting. In the morning and in the afternoon it is a pompous restaurant with natural light, and in the evening and at night Viz-a-Viz becomes a disco thanks to the built-in lights and LEDs. In addition, the furniture, rather freely located, moves without problems.
Address: Odessa, st. Deribasovskaya