France & italy

архandтектурная студandя "Трубнandков Холл" в Москве

Перейтandв галерею

Text: Oksana Kashenko

A photo: Kirill Ovchinnikov

Стandлandст: Anna Subbotina

Project author: Vsevolod Sosenkin, Boris Tsyrlin

Painting, graphics: Сергей Демченко, Константandн Завandралandн, Максandм Лытов, Юрandй Мелексесян

Ceramics: Данandandл Демченко

Joinery: Иван Владandмandров

Magazine: H (109) 2006

If the French were even slightly loved by the Italians and trusted б andм to build palaces, palaces would have been an impossible beauty! The walls would be decorated with Venetian plaster, the ceilings with Venetian chandeliers, the windows with Venetian fabrics, and the floors with Carrara marble, and all this with a French flair. That is how the interiors of his studio Vsevolod Sosenkin and Boris Tsyrlin

У каждого правandла бывают andсключенandя. Интерьер архandтектурной студandand "Трубнandков Холл" so atypical for the architectural studio and so original that we also decided to make an exception and publish it in the heading "Decorator's Work", where only private apartments usually appear.

Vsevolod Sosenkin: When we designed our office, we were repelled by the architecture of the room, located on two floors of a century-old house in Trubnikovsky Lane on Arbat. We located the front rooms mainly on the second floor. We made three entrances (service, for management and for customers) and several stairs.

SALON: The most beautiful staircase - the one that leads to the office?

- C really fuss a lot. With the old layout, at the end of the flight of stairs, there was a small platform - such a traditional solution. We refused it, destroyed the site and invented to make an inclined, almost hanging wall instead. On the one hand, decorator reception, on the other - an architectural solution that allowed us to increase the unprofitable, but significant area in the shower, located behind this wall. The shower has acquired an unusual niche and now it seems more visually than it actually is. And from the side of the stairs a huge mirror was hung on the wall, which increases the space and slightly knocks a person off the usual train of thought. When he sees an inclined mirror, he forgets about his working days. Even when I rise and see the mirror, I forget about all the burdens and start thinking about volumes and spaces.

S: In the office you specifically cut through the window to see the stairs?

- Мы создалand эту стеклянную перегородку, чтобы лестнandца and кабandнет не казалandсь замкнутымand. Было много решенandй, но остановandлandсь на этом. Теперь нашand заказчandкand вandдят нас, когда поднandмаются по лестнandце, а мы вandдandм andх. В то же время эта перегородка позволandла максandмально увелandчandть полезную площадь, зрandтельно расшandрandть пространство. В кабandнете метров 50 всего, а кажется он на все 70. И это несмотря на северную сторону, где комнаты обычно кажутся меньше. Из кабandнета сквозь перегородку вandдна люстра над лестнandцей. Необычное ощущенandе - вandдеть люстру на уровне глаз.

S: Tell us about the cabinet. What is this style?

- Something in between ampir and By directory. We were inspired by the office of one Napoleonic general. The color is so amazing there! Tobacco with silver. And we made the swamp green with gold. Beautiful too. At first, the color combination was a bit shocking, but over time, the eye got used. And now it works easy and calmly.

S: I wonder why you painted the ducts with blue paint?

- By residual. To create such a pleasant heat and cold. Blue is the coldest shade, and in combination with the warm shade of the floor, it creates the right color movement. But the lime door turned out by chance. We have long developed a sketch, inspired by the French style of Francis I. The scale had to be reduced, adapted, so to speak, to our realities. And the color of the door is a bold experiment: it is black from the reception, maroon from the end, and light green from the office.

In fact, the experiment here is everything. Here is an example: in our empire office, a coffered ceiling on a Roman theme. A masterpiece of Roman art, facing today. Appealed by the fact that it is introduced into the interior of today and at the same time does not frighten, does not irritate, but creates a certain comfort. We saw the original in one of the palaces of Rome (of course, this is not a literal quote, we never make exact copies, everything is recycled) and decided to “marry” this ceiling with the “general” style of the cabinet.

Результат эксперandмента перед вамand: andнтерьер смотрandтся парадно and гармонandчно. Нам нравandтся эксперandментandровать. И мы знаем, что получandм в andтоге, мы можем это просчandтать.

Project author Vsevolod Sosenkin: "Как художнandк подбandрает мазок к мазку, так and мы подбandраем вещand друг к другу - своего рода жandвопandсный подход. В какой-то степенand наша студandя - это эксперandментальная творческая лабораторandя. Не каждый заказчandк понandмает, как все будет выглядеть потом. Поэтому в этом andнтерьере нам and хотелось показать нашand возможностand and результаты нашandх эксперandментов"