Простые вещи глазами Claudio Silvestrinа

A photo: Oleg Semenov, - from the archives of the press services
Material prepared: Anna Gorbunova
Interview prepared: Galina Kiryanova
Magazine: (140)
SALON: Why did you choose minimalism?
- I love simplicity. Powerful energy lurks in its perfect form. Look at our body. Outside, we are simple and open to the eye, but inside each has its own complex and intricate content. For me, balance is important in everything. The material always confronts the spiritual. My ideal of beauty is beyond time. Remember the craftsmen. They decorated the roofs of the cathedrals with beautiful statues that only God saw. I believe that thanks to minimalism, you can create pacifying things that help people take a break from the aggression and confusion of everyday life.
S: One of your last works is the design of the Le Notti and Le Pause collections for the company.
- I consider the bedroom the only place in the house where the feelings of partners interpenetrate and fluctuate between ice and flame, intelligence and subconsciousness, sleep and reality. The energy center of the bedroom becomes the bed. To enhance the importance of the bed, I separated it from the wall, lifted it above the floor and surrounded it with space, placing it closer to the center of the room.
S: Light plays a crucial role in all your projects. Objects as if floating in the air.
- to create an abstract sense of reality, for which light and shadow are very important. However, only the light itself should be visible, not its source. Therefore, I try to hide the lighting equipment. Often frosted glass helps me in this. It easily transmits the rays of light and at the same time hides from prying eyes all that is superfluous. So it was with the Le Notti bed, made for
S: Which of your works are you really proud of?
- This is the same Po stone bath from the I Fiumi collection for
S: Lord
- The function in no case comes first! It is always secondary. The primary design is the same. Functionality should be, but this is the next step. Otherwise, we will have to recognize the primacy of engineering and technology. Where then is architecture, where is art?
S: Can we say that the furniture you have designed is mini-architectural structures? And then what, in your opinion, is the essence of design?
- Somehow I made chairs for
S: Do you have a dream?
- Yes. Build a cathedral. The simplest form and therefore beautiful.