Soon even in our latitudes flowers will bloom everywhere. We decided to bring this moment closer, at least in relation to the interior.

Magazine: N5 (204) 2015
It seems there is no person in the world who would not like flowers. You can be indifferent to them. Although no, this can not be. You can not like any particular flowers for some very personal reason, but there will definitely be one — even one — a flower that you like. Designers in this regard is no exception.
Floral print is one of the most versatile. It can be used in almost any situation, except, perhaps, only high-tech lofts. Floral textiles do not rhyme with concrete. Although here you can argue. Take, for example, Fiore puffs (“Flower”) designed by Karim Rashid for the RIVA 1920 factory. The seat is made in the form of a schematic image of a flower — this is what children draw it. It looks superminimalistic. In addition, the pouf is made of cedar: light wood with beautiful veined rings will look good even in the most minimalistic space.
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