Silk Iranian carpets are of great value, and this one from the Art de Vivre collection is doubly valuable.

Magazine: Decor N7 (206) 2015
Aleksey Volgov (Art de Vivre): “There are several large centers of carpet-making in Iran. One of them is Kum, always famous for its silk carpets of amazing quality. For example, this “godfather” (in the photo). What a rich palette he has! We have been engaged in carpets for 20 years, and I can testify: there are few such carpets even in the world. We can only recall ancient samples, in particular the Ardebil carpet from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The main field of our “godfather” is decorated with floral pattern, the central medallion is framed with flower garlands, the corner compositions are complex arabesques, and the border is in the form of palmettes. Its value is also in the fact that it is quite large: 140 by 210 centimeters. Such dimensions are rare, usually carpets from Qom less — about a meter and a half. And it costs accordingly — more than six million rubles. ”
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