Fifty fifty

Interview with Oksana Kashenko with the chief editor of InStyle magazine Jurate Gurauskaite in the interior of the 50x50 cafe-restaurant

Passing the gallery

Portrait photo: Evgeny Luchin

Interview prepared: Oksana Kashenko

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Interior photos: Yuri Kriushov

Project author: Tina Kamchatnova, Нина Русских

Magazine: (152)

Недавно в московском бизнес-центре «4 ветра» открылось кафе-ресторан Аркадия Новикова «50x50». В новом интерьере встретились главный редактор журнала SALON-interior Oksana Kashenko и главный редактор журнала InStyle Юрате Гураускайте

In the "50x50" much has been done according to the sketches of the authors of the project. “To create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere,” says Tina Kamchatnova- we used natural wood in the decoration - wenge, zebrano, oak. If we talk about style, this is a modern city cafe, which can easily fit into the infrastructure of cities such as London or New York. ” In the cafe area there is a bar and wine shelves. And in the restaurant area, a fireplace is built into the large wine cabinet, which is lit in the evenings. “The constructive feature of this space is the bearing columns, which are located in the center of the hall,” says the designer. “In order to combine the two zones — the restaurant and cafe — into a cozy loft, we designed four-meter (in diameter) chandeliers on dimmers that we made in an Italian factory.” In the menu - home Russian and European cuisine. The famous 50x50 restaurant chef Alexander Ibrahimov recommends to try the duck liver chops in brioche with wild berry sauce, green asparagus cream soup, beef fillet with porto sauce with spinach, and ginger creme brulee for dessert.

Oksana Kashenko: Jurate, you are the head of the Russian edition of the international magazine InStyle. Do you think there are intersection points of fashion and interior design?

Jurate Gurauskaite: Certainly exist. Nothing living can exist by itself. Fashion designers work for a person as an object, but this object still exists in some kind of space interconnected with it. At the beginning of the twentieth century there was a turning point - from conservative long forms in clothes to new forms: shorter, softer dresses came into fashion, without corsets, even later the length became even shorter, and the silhouette was more constructive and more strict. The design of the environment observed the same changes. In place of classicism came art nouveau with smooth lines, and he was replaced by constructivism and ar-deko with a clear shape geometry.

Когда готовится любая фэшн-съемка, непременно просчитывается дизайн пространства. Так же и в фэшн-шоу: когда показывается коллекция, все равно существует некая идея истории моды, дизайна, культуры. Например, на последнем показе Viktor&Rolf (сезон осень/зима-2010/2011) была создана атмосфера техноконструктивизма, хотя ни мебели, ни других предметов интерьера на сцене не было.

OK.: Recent years in the interior is fashionable ar-dekoas well as olive color. And in clothes too, as far as I know.

Yu.G .: Yes, they are in vogue, but I would rather take it as an olive color to winter. This color - only a little more saturated - often appears in the autumn-winter collections. Because it is warm. And if we talk about summer, then in the summer in fashion bright neon colors in the style Karim Rashid, and is not the first season.

OK.: Do you think it is Karim Rashid had an impact on fashion?

Yu.G .: I think no one has influenced anyone. Of course, we all intersect. Everything exists in the same space. There are some basic, unchanging things, there are current current trends in fashion and design. Take the same ar-deko. The fashion house CHANEL and now, as in the 30s, makes some things, often evening, in the silhouette of which the legacy is clearly read ar-deko. А не так давно был период, когда дизайнеры вдруг увлеклись гиперобъемами, или «архитектурностью», - прямыми, жесткими линиями, геометрией. Это было у домов YSL, GIVENCHY, LOUIS VUITTON, BALENCIAGA и даже у DOLCE&GABBANA, которым, в принципе, всегда были присущи очень женственные формы и идеи. В моде это объяснялось тем, что сама жизнь изменилась, женщины стали активнее, жестче, рациональнее. Мир моды все время находится под воздействием социальных явлений и событий. Например, после войны в Ираке моментально на подиуме умножился военный стиль. Не знаю, есть ли подобная зависимость в мире интерьерного дизайна.

OK.: In the design of furniture and interiors the last three years is also relevant ecological style. Designers propagate it.

Yu.G .: With regard to the production of clothing, this trend was actively manifested last summer, when a polite passion for environmentally friendly materials arose. Many Hollywood stars have announced that they are launching their "green" lines of clothing or cosmetics. With regard to furniture, eco-friendly means, most likely, processed manually, and everything that is done by hand is incredibly expensive.

OK.: At the shows we sometimes see the most incredible things, but after all, in their mass, people choose things that are simpler.

Yu.G .: Globally, yes, but still, buying things, people try not only to teach through them, but also to express themselves. This is a natural process. Therefore, there is this industry. Making out the space and buying clothes, each person wants to convey some message, tell something about himself.

OK.: What is your house?

Yu.G .: I have an apartment in a Stalin-era building. I furnished it myself, even before I began to understand styles. Then I mixed different styles as I felt at that time, and that was 10 years ago. Now I would redo everything - clean out the space, clean the excess, all these feminine things, make the interior cooler. I noticed that many people, as they develop, come to the fact that they desire emptiness, simplicity and peace. When I started to make out an apartment, I realized that sooner or later I would be annoyed by the amount of details and trifles. A man in his life is overgrown with a huge amount of things. You can not come from travel and not bring anything with you. So now I'm trying to choose one thing. And all the same, when you bring home even the most beautiful thing and you put it next to other beautiful things, it all looks like a souvenir shop. But the next generation, these processes are already going differently. Young people are more flexible, they travel a lot, are open to the world, live fast, without reference to the past, and they, I think, no longer have this grandmother's thing.

OK.: What hotels do you like?

Yu.G .: Those where the styles are mixed, or completely modern and at the same time comfortable. when during your travels you meet the interior, thanks to which you can learn something and be surprised.

OK.: What is luxury for you?

Yu.G .: Metaphysically luxury is to be yourself. The longer you live, the better you understand that time and communication are also a luxury. But in material terms, luxury is, of course, something that you cannot afford (for the time being), but maybe you really want it. And if you want, as you know, and, most importantly, I am sure of this, then you will definitely have all this!