Arranging the bathroom and the selection of plumbing, we recommend to do in person. Only direct acquaintance with the latest achievements in this area will allow you to create a truly modern and comfortable bathroom.

A photo: - press services, Pavel Pshenichny
Magazine: Nya (186) 2013
Selection of tiles and sanitary ware for the bathroom seems to be a boring task, which is better to shift onto the shoulders of a professional. In fact, what's the point of bypassing the same rows of white-sand sanitary ware and “flipping” heavy stands with floor ceramics? But there is meaning. Only he is not to exhaust himself shopping trips. Designers and engineers have created so many interesting things today that the choice of even the most trivial things, such as a sink or, excuse me, a bidet, turns into a thrilling ride. It is worth taking part in it at least to see what a big step technologies have made over the past few years. And after that, you probably want technology to step into your home.
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