The interior of this bathroom is dominated by natural materials and shades of natural palette.

Magazine: Decor N1 (211) 2016
Ecostyle can look luxurious — just look at this bathroom. In the design of the Moscow apartment where this bathroom is located, a single principle is observed: the correct form of the premises, the restrained palette of the natural range and natural materials. The bathroom was no exception: in facing of the walls and the ceiling — Emperador Dark marble and mahogany panels “moving” from walls to the ceiling. These are materials with a magnificent natural texture, rich, saturated colors.
The idea itself is successful — not to split up the planes of the ceiling and walls, but to make them in the same style: now the bathroom is monolithic and monumental. The golden teak floor and the black bath are matched to the vein of marble. Black, golden, mahogany color — decorators call this combination of colors rich, and it really creates an atmosphere of luxury in the interior.