The atmosphere of glamorous luxury reigns in the interior of this Moscow apartment. The stylistic mix of classical and modern motifs plays a significant role in its creation.This project is for Elena Belkova not the first work with customers. Previous interiors were designed primarily in the spirit of minimalism. Therefore, when they, together with their owners, began work on this apartment, there was mutual understanding and trust. Nevertheless, the concept of the future interior was not immediately determined. The direction vector was set by the items chosen by the customer at the Verona Furniture Fair. These bright, fashionable, spectacular design things, on the one hand, are self-sufficient, each of them could decorate any space, on the other - not stylistically combined with each other. Like, for example, a classic console with a baroque ornament and ultramodern doors with a lacquered, like a sports car, surface, luxurious Murano glass chandeliers and kitchen furniture made of painted wood. In order for them to "live" organically together, not, as they say, a blanket over themselves, the architect created a very unusual and very active interior, combining modern and classical motifs. “The general background in this case needs to be made more vivid, more saturated, so that each piece of furniture looks advantageous and does not stand out too much from the general ensemble,” the Helen. - I was not afraid to overdo it with the decor. On the contrary, she deliberately turned the stick, so there is a lot of decor here, exaggeratedly a lot - rich and complex. I used various types of finishes, differing in color and texture, various types of natural stone, gold and silver patina, leather, wood, glass, mirrors. By the way, there are only five types of wallpaper in the living room alone. ” Of course, the mixing of everything and everything happens not chaotically, but very carefully, thoughtfully and with a hint of irony, so that the interior does not look too pretentious and sugary glamorous. To the classic console, the architect picks up the classic striped wallpaper. At the same time, the console itself is covered with black lacquer - a postmodern course, as is the decoration of the ceiling with wallpaper with a pattern in the style of the 60s.
В цветовой гамме превалирует черный цвет, разбавленный ярко-красными и серебристыми оттенками. Темные цвета появились по желанию владельцев. «Мы обычно пытаемся восполнить недостаток солнечного света в интерьере посредством создания светлой, излучающей тепло гаммы, - рассказывает Helen. - Тогда как заказчиков, постоянно живущих в Израиле и привыкших к избытку солнца и света, нисколько не смущало обилие черного и красного. Вполне естественно, что в московской квартире им захотелось сделать нечто иное по настроению, нежели привычная обстановка дома. Яркие краски к тому же вполне уместны в интерьере, в котором не живут постоянно, здесь можно было смело экспериментировать не только с цветовой гаммой, но и со стилем, пространством».
Project author Elena Belkova: “The house, although pre-revolutionary, was re-renovated, and I got a beautiful space with four-meter ceilings. The only drawback - a very small area, allotted for the bathroom. Therefore, I had to radically revise the concept of planning, and as a result the room grew to eleven meters. Otherwise, as in most modern interiors, the apartment is built according to the principle of maximum openness, while the design reigns eclectic style with a bias in glamorous luxury "