Magical atmosphere in the dining room

A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Text: Julia Sakharova
Magazine: Decor N9 (164) 2011
GENERAL GAMMA must be sustained in the noble tones of sepia. Crystal and glass, select transparent colorless. The overall picture will be enlivened by a white tablecloth and bouquets of white flowers (by the way, a white tablecloth will also highlight the faces favorably: they will seem more beautiful). But the main trump card feast - a screen, assembled from square mirrors.
A MIRROR screen will give the room additional depth. But the effect will be different from the effect of the whole mirror: the reflection is split, unexpected angles appear (depending on how you put the screen). This theatrical reception can be supported by dimmed lighting. Option: instead of a screen, you can use a cabinet with facades assembled from small mirrors.