Let's take a closer look, summing up: both 20 and 10 years ago, minimalism was different. Today, this style, on the one hand, began to strive for the absolute, reaching almost the "subtraction". On the other hand, he began to absorb things unusual for his “nature”: rich textures, rich colors, carpets and accessories.

Magazine: N1 (200) 2015
Let's take a closer look, summing up: both 20 and 10 years ago, minimalism was different. Today, this style, on the one hand, began to strive for the absolute, reaching almost to the "subtraction" (take at least furniture and lamps, as if consisting of one structure — thin lines). On the other hand, he began to absorb things unusual for his “nature”: rich textures, rich colors, carpets and accessories. This trend in modern interior design has received the name softminimalism (and we devote a separate chapter to it). But even in a verified minimalist interior today, you risk finding a non-canonical thing (for example, a chair with a plump upholstery in a carriage-tie technique) because the owners just wanted to make their cool interior warmer ... Another important characteristic of modern minimalism is manufacturability. And this is not necessarily the "smart home" of previous years. No, it is not necessary to give up the elements of intelligent control of home functions, but now you can simply buy a cabinet that is controlled from the console.
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