Details for the uninitiated

apartment with a total area of ​​65 m2 Michael Tereshchenko

Passing the gallery

A photo: Zinon Rasudinov

Text: Leonid Zubarev

Architect: Mikhail Tereshchenko, Antonina Sosnovaya

Builder: Alexander Fire

Magazine: N4 (5) 1995

In the beginning was, as always, the word. The word of the customer who dreamed of a modern and, of course, comfortable apartment. And from the word came the interior. Modern interior with a clear division into the guest and intimate areas. You can admire them, as they admire the finished picture. And you can try to follow the construction progress from beginning to end, - so to speak, from the canvas primer to the last stroke. Let the elegant creation of the architect lose for us a bit of charm. But we will be able to see the process of creating a new interior in all its details and understand how the costs (sometimes considerable) for a radical reorganization of the home structure are madeDesign"The task of the architect is to show the client the advantages of one or another option, one or another plan ..." The owners conceived the reconstruction of their home on the threshold of significant changes in their lives: an increase in the family was expected. And the new apartment was thought, of course, the focus of family warmth and comfort. Here everything had to be designed for everyday, everyday life, as well as for special occasions: an office, a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom (WC?). Of course, for children. A wardrobe-dressing room was also provided. Perhaps it was precisely the craving for comfort that forced customers to abandon the option of a more open apartment originally conceived by the architects (say, without a transformable partition between the living room and the office). Of course, much was thought out already in the process of construction and finishing works, placing furniture and installing equipment - but the main face of the future interior took shape at the design stage. From an economic point of view, we are dealing here with a project that assumes an average level of costs. This means a rational expenditure of funds, allowing you to create a high-quality author's interior with a relatively small cash investment.Clearing and construction"Almost everything is demolished ..." In two standard apartments, located next door in a brick nine-story building, all partitions were demolished. The corridors are gone. Since there were no capital walls in the working space, only three bearing columns have survived from the past. Thirty-year-old stucco was removed from the walls. Then construction began. Newly laid and hid in the walls and floors of engineering communications. Partitions were built: around the "wet knot" of bricks, in the rest of the rooms there was no need for this; therefore, the partitions, soundproofing, but very light, were made of less solid plasterboard - a double layer on a metal frame. Ceiling plates in the original design were laid out of the hands, so that now we had to equip suspended ceilings, also made of plasterboard. In more than a modest height of 2.65 meters, only five centimeters were selected - the authors honor this for good luck. This is how the architecture of the apartment is formed, its “box”, so to speak. At this stage, the layout of the apartment is visible to our eyes: the living room, actually combined with the lounge and with the kitchen, study, bedroom, children’s room and dressing room-closet for storing clothes. Kitchen. And of course, the “wet knot” - two bathrooms, the master and the guest.Finish"In addition to brick and cement of domestic materials, we practically do not use ..." After general construction work, finishing begins - a complicated procedure that requires high qualifications and technological discipline. We will focus on the key points of this stage. With a fairly banal decoration of the walls (ceramic tiles in the bathrooms and in the kitchen, wooden panels in the hall, in the rest of the rooms wallpaper), the floor pays special attention to itself. In the residential part it is made of environmentally friendly plastic, which is difficult to distinguish from the real parquet, whereas it costs two times cheaper. In terms of its performance properties (wear resistance and susceptibility to mechanical damage), this plastic even surpasses parquet - the Swedish manufacturer gives a 25-year warranty. The technology of laying on the polyurethane foam leveling pad causes this coating to barely noticeably spring under the feet - the effect of a "floating floor". True, it is recognized that aesthetically, he still loses a little to natural materials. In the non-residential premises (hall, kitchen and bathrooms) for the finishing of the floors, preference was given to Spanish ceramic tiles (the walls are also finished with tiles, but Italian-made). Here a number of constructive ideas were used - from those that are in use today in the West. The bathrooms are equipped with ladders - holes in the floor for the flow of water. They allow you to protect your and neighborhood apartments from the water element. Electric floor heating in the kitchen and in the large bathroom allows you to adjust the temperature to the nearest degree.Accents"Much is being decided along the way ..." Simultaneously with the finishing, accents are placed in the planning of the apartment. Various constructive solutions allow you to beat the location of the premises in your own way, to give the appearance of a room a new perspective. If the "box" sets the theme, then the design elements give all sorts of variations. The passage from the living room to the office is covered with a transforming plastic wall (the same from wood would cost twice as much). A bar counter, smoothly turning into a window sill, and a level difference separate the kitchen space from the living room, separating the two parts, as a matter of fact, of a single room. Particular attention should be paid to the windows. Modern, on the basis of vacuum glass. The architect told the future owner: "I know five or six good firms and two or three very good ones." Priority was given to "very good", although I had to pay for it. The usual balcony door was converted into a huge, 2.20 meters (almost the entire wall), casement structure - the window, which the Anglo-Saxons call "French", and we simply - European. On clear days the living room is flooded with bright sunlight. There are three large double-glazed windows with a total cost of about two and a half thousand (about $ 320 per square meter - today it is almost the maximum price!). Another balcony, where you get out of the nursery, is glazed, but the glazing is also transforming (expensive work of one of the Finnish companies), and it is easy to turn a balcony overlooking the tree branches into an open-air tree. If we are talking about sunlight, we should elaborate on the lighting. The apartment has a lot of sconces, halogen lamps. Overhead light - chandeliers - almost none. In the bedroom, the light is resolved in the form of a glowing ribbon, passing from the ceiling to the wall. In a large bathroom, halogen lamps are built directly into the mirrored ceiling. The interior is trimmed, every little thing, every structural element is calculated: windows, doors, partitions. Now you need to think about furnishing the apartment and its technical equipment.Furnishing and equipment"In fact, we all turn in the key ..." Наконец, последний этап работы. Интерьер приобретает желаемый вид. Здесь очень важно не разрушить гармоничного целого, уже практически сформировавшегося к этому моменту. Выбор мебели и установка необходимого оборудования требуют профессионального подхода не меньше, чем планировка и отделка. Особенно интересна мебель в гостиной. При выборе ее отдавалось предпочтение простым, лаконичным формам - и эксклюзивному качеству исполнения. В центре - журнальный столик, вокруг него мягкая мебель: кресла, диван известной итальянской фирмы B&B. В стороне - обеденный стол и стулья. Кухонный гарнитур из натурального дерева (орех) великолепно гармонирует с никелированными поверхностями кухонного оборудования и вытяжки. Перепад уровней между кухней и гостиной любопытным образом отзывается в мебели: со стороны гостиной - барные стулья, со стороны кухни - обычные. Кроме вышеперечисленного, корпусная мебель в гостевой зале практически отсутствует.