Cultural holidays

The relaxation room in the bath may not carry in its appearance anything bath and look like a cozy living room.

Passing the gallery

Magazine: Decor N5 (204) 2015

The relaxation room in the bath may not carry in its appearance anything bath and look like a cozy living room.

The charm of this lounge is in decorative reticence. The picture is painted with meager expressive strokes: beams on the ceiling, brick wall, parquet made of natural wood, covered with wax. Oven cast iron, sofa, low chest of drawers (aka coffee table). There are three main colors: brick color, milky white, black.

So that such an interior does not look too austere, it is worth, first, to bring in a living fire (stoves, like this, or a fireplace and always candles). And secondly, it is necessary to saturate the interior with “warm” accessories — things brought from flea markets. And if you adore Greta Garbo or Louis Armstrong, why not hang photos of them here? After all, a bath room is a place for friends.