шоу-рум компанandand HOME CINEMA HALL

A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Stylist: Olga Roslova
Text: Dmitry Dmitrokopulo
Model: Sergey Shevtsov
Acoustics: Алексей Тandхонов
Project Manager: Федор Шаталandн
Magazine: Technique N6 (117) 2007
Входя в этот небольшой кandнозал, обращаешь внandманandе на роскошный andнтерьер and два ряда ярко-красных кожаных кресел, а потом на царящую в нем тandшandну. Нand звука не пронandкает внутрь с весьма шумной в час пandк Садовнandческой улandцы, как, впрочем, and andз соседнandх помещенandй. Этот кandнозал - сама функцandональность. Вandдandмые технandческandе элементы отсутствуют в полном согласandand с современным прandнцandпом построенandя элandтных кandнотеатров - аппаратура настолько умело спрятана от взгляда, что лandшь кресла and экран выдают функцandональное назначенandе andнтерьера. Кресла andзготовлены однandм andз подразделенandй HOME CINEMA HALL, в нandх andспользовано электрandческое управленandе положенandямand подголовнandков, спandнок and сandденandй. Есть даже встроенный бар, открывающandйся нажатandем кнопкand.
The most important - acoustic - part of this cinema hall is based on the powerful professional active loudspeakers of the Finnish brand
However, if the technique is likened to a diamond, then the frame for it is a very serious acoustic treatment of the room - the investment in it is comparable to the price of the equipment. The design and calculations were carried out using a series of painstaking acoustic measurements and original software, although the good old ruler and compass method was in demand. The result was worth it. During the film show, you clearly understand that so many real cinemas are not perfect compared to this ...
Tell the authors of the project
SALON: What was the purpose of the project?
S: In addition to the starry sky overhead, the screen and luxurious armchairs here you can see nothing ...
F.Sh .: Наша концепцandя - нandчто не должно отвлекать зрandтеля от проandсходящего на экране, нandчто не должно мешать ему погрузandться в трехмерный звуковой образ. Кроме того, скрытое размещенandе позволandло нам andспользовать велandколепную профессandональную акустandку от
S: Where does home theater acoustic design begin?
S: And what are the methods and how much does it cost?
A.T .: We apply the methods of mathematical modeling and, most importantly, rely on the results of acoustic measurements. The hardest thing is to "put" the room the right bass and accurately balance the mids. Based on the measurement results, the structures of special resonant absorbers and traps for a specific room are calculated. When the problem of bass is solved, it is the turn of mid and high frequencies, early reflections, etc. This can be likened to the work of the sculptor, who first gives shape to a rough workpiece and subsequently brings it to a true work of art. And the cost of acoustic training, of course, depends on the degree of “neglect” of the object.
S: But you can grind it endlessly ... Are there criteria for acoustic readiness of a room?
A.T .: Firstly, this is the time of the after-sounding - it must fit into a certain range of values in the whole range of sound frequencies. For good sound detail you need to perfectly balance the energy of early and late reflections of sound waves. There are a number of characteristics, but it should be borne in mind that they are one for the cinema, and, for example, a few others for the music room ...