In 1903, Opozhenka, d. 3, baked Philippi buns. A century later, the Vertinsky restaurant opened here. The combination of luxury and comfort, public status and residential aura - all points to the desire of Vertinsky to endear themselves to the color of metropolitan society. Family history Vertinsky - Mikhalkov acts magically and informs the institution of almost hereditary elegance. The result was a well-forgotten Shanghai-Harbin style of the turn of the century. During the time of Alexander Vertinsky's stay in China, restaurants were like this - colonial charm turned out to be relevant in modern Moscow. The proximity of the two cultures is most noticeable at the entrance: the classical English hallway smoothly flows into the atmosphere of Shanghai in the 30s-40s of the last century. The two rooms are decorated in fine art deco: the first is fairly strict, with silk wallpaper, Chinese lanterns and English tablecloths. The sofas upholstered with crimson plush and dimmed light are the second hall where the meal takes on the character not so much of a secular as of an intimate one. Vertinsky's photographs, music sheets scattered throughout the ancient screen, fresh orchids — these marvelous trivia act unerringly on Muscovites full of perfectionism.