квартandра площадью 300 м2

A photo: Evgeny Luchin
Стandлandст: Evgenia Shuer
Text: Julia Duran
Project author: Irina Mavrodieva, Arthur Gogh
Architect: Alexandra Durnitsyn
Painter: Boris Belsky
Magazine: Na (157) 2011
When it comes to the “bright modern interior”, it is unlikely that broken surfaces, intersecting beams on the ceiling and complete asymmetry appear to anyone. However, the customer agreed with all the bold proposals of the architects. This trust is explained simply: he made his first apartment (by the way, located next door) with the same bureau A.M.G. project and was pleased. True, at that time he wanted something calmer, and the interior was designed in dark colors with a splash of gold. Since then, tastes and situations have changed.
The apartment itself - a not very comfortable elongated room with two blank walls - required a bold approach. “This is a fairly common form,” says the architect. - The most obvious solution is to place the living room in the area with panoramic glazing, the bedrooms - along the wall with windows, and the utility rooms - along the blank walls. But then inevitably there is a long dark corridor, and half of the apartment is deprived of natural light. And we just wanted to avoid that. ” The architects noticed that the sun rays were beautifully entering through the window and scattering all over the apartment, reaching the far wall. They wanted to preserve this effect - this is how the idea of neon "rays" cutting through the ceiling, radiating from the living room and carrying light to other rooms, appeared.
Behind the intersecting rays, everything else stretched — asymmetrical rooms and broken surfaces. “The rays seemed to cut the volume into irregular polyhedra,” explains the architect. The largest of them is a detached children's bathroom, which has turned from a modest functional element into an art object, the apartment’s compositional center. Thanks to this find, they managed to get rid of the boring long corridor between the living room and the private area, which the architects crushed into two passes. Smaller "fragments" echo the central "lump" - the kitchen, a bench in the hallway, a chest of drawers in the bedroom and some walls with a complex geometry. The idea of sunlight diverging around the apartment is supported by other methods. The main color of the interior is white, which has the best reflectivity. He was everywhere, even on the floor, not afraid to lay a white floorboard. The facades of kitchen cabinets are made of yellow mirrors, which are only a fraction of natural or artificial light to fill the surrounding area with a warm glow. The partition between the kitchen and the hallway is glass with an abstract pattern. On the one hand, it divides the two zones, on the other, it does not prevent the passage of light. Again, warm yellow and red colors predominate in the figure. In the bathrooms, in addition to other lighting devices, glass panels with silk-screen printing are used. They are not only illuminate, but also are art objects. As a result, the apartment at any time seems flooded with light.
Архandтекторы создалand автономный внутреннandй пейзаж, существующandй за счет своandх ресурсов. В том чandсле and за счет мебелand - яркandх дandзайнерскandх предметов. Но еслand хозяевам онand наскучат, то andх легко будет заменandть на что-то совершенно другое. Белый фон подходandт, как галерейное пространство, для всего.
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