Views from the cards in the interior

A photo: Zinon Razutdinov, Peter Lebedev, - from the archives of the press services
Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N6 (139) 2009
The fantasy extends beyond standard reproduction in the room of the son-pupil or globe on the table of a five-grader daughter. Now maps of the world can be found on carpets, tables, chandeliers and floor lamps ... And both modern, with completely distinguishable continents and countries, and old - reproduction of engravings with geographical reference points of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Living in the midst of such global things, it is easy to present yourself as the lord of the world.
A separate topic - countries with easily recognizable outlines, such as Italian boots. Once did not interpret this motif! And now the interior can be decorated with a mirror or a candlestick in the form of a beloved country. If you want to admire the Eiffel Tower or the Colosseum, the Florentine palazzo or the villa on the Cote d'Azur, not only outside the window, you can surround yourself with furniture and accessories with images of these places, for example, put a wardrobe in the living room - a small copy of an architectural monument. Designers and decorators, by the way, approach to solving the problem on a large scale: views of Florentine cathedrals and Parisian mansions are decorated with ceilings and walls (there are companies and factories from which you can order prints and even a mosaic of memorable photos).