Для супружеской пары с маленьким ребёнком дизайнер Varvara Shabelnikova создала интерьер в классическом стиле, респектабельный, уравновешенный с комфортной, расслабляющей атмосферой

Text: Olga Vologdina
A photo: Sergey Ananiev
Project author: Varvara Shabelnikova
Magazine: de Luxe Classic N2 2016
The apartment is located in one of the modern residential complexes in the south-west of Moscow. The main drawback of the space was the bearing wall between the living room and the kitchen. “According to the documents from the developer, it was an open-plan apartment with two carrier columns, and the options for combining or partially combining these zones were initially discussed,” Barbara says. “Subsequently, the partition indicated on the plan was actually a carrier wall, and it was touching can not. It was not possible to combine the living room and kitchen areas, so a layout was created with a fully isolated kitchen. However, as practice shows, this is not always a minus, in this case this decision was justified — recently more and more people prefer to have a separate kitchen, because it is convenient and correct. For the same reasons of comfort, we divided the space into two functional areas: public (entrance hall, living room, kitchen, guest bathroom) and private (parents' bedroom, children’s, bathrooms). ” The customer is a successful and energetic person. For him it was important that the interior was respectable, noble and at the same time calm, soft and peaceful. Therefore, the appropriate shades were chosen — gentle, soothing, pleasant, in particular olive, used in the decoration of the public zone. “I love this color, it is perfect for our climate: it looks spectacular in sunny weather, and on a cloudy day it creates a pleasant, enveloping atmosphere due to its warmth,” the designer explains.-Although not everyone is ready to go for such an unusual solution as olive the color of the furniture, my customers approved the idea, and, in my opinion, there was a very extraordinary space: the cabinets, the entrance portal and the TV stand — everything was painted in the same color, echoing the upholstered furniture and textiles. In general, the interior is a calm, balanced neoclassic without sharp accents and annoying colors, pleasant for life, the coloring of which is given by colonial motifs. If it is possible and necessary to adhere to an authentic style when restoring old mansions, then when working with new buildings the main thing is to create an atmosphere. And this was exactly the case when the owners needed exactly the atmosphere — the atmosphere of comfort, comfort and reliability, so the choice fell on the classics possessing all this in full measure. ”
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