All for happiness

Palace of Celebrations "Safisa" in Moscow

Passing the gallery

A photo: Zinon Rasudinov

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Project author: Tatyana Mironova, Гасым Гусейн Оглы Гасымов

Architect: Valery Chugunov, Irina Minulin

Lepnina: Nikolay Mashchenko

Magazine: N10 (110) 2006

Новый Palace of Celebrations "Safisa" in Moscow - это отдельно стоящее здание общей площадью три тысячи квадратных метров. "Заказчик попросил сделать роскошный интерьер, напоминающий дворцы в Монте-Карло или Монако, - рассказывает архитектор Tatyana Mironova. - Hence the classic interior with gold, stucco, crystal chandeliers and expensive furniture. It all starts with a buffet room, where guests meet newlyweds. Then everyone rises grandly up the main staircase leading to the restaurant. In the center of the hall they hung a huge crystal chandelier (3.5 meters in diameter), painted a domed space, adorned it with stucco, laid out floor with beautiful ornaments. Seven arched windows give extraordinary light. Long designed the stage on which the stars should perform. It is made to the latest standards, and this is our pride.

Address: Moscow, Vorobievskoe shosse, p. 2