Fence, окружающий дачный участок, создается не для защиты его от злоумышленников. Для них такое препятствие не является преградой. Эта конструкция позволяет отгородиться от взглядов соседей, прохожих, создать уютное, комфортное личное пространство. Кроме того забор является частью ландшафтного оформления участка, помогает создать фон для зеленых насаждений и цветов. Цельное ограждение не дает проникать пыли, шуму. В создании забора можно использовать различные материалы. У каждого из них имеются свои преимущества.
- 1 Types of fences to give
- 2 Fence из сетки «рабицы» своими руками
- 2.1 Setting the netting chain
- 3 Fence из профнастила своими руками
Types of fences to give
The most common materials for country fences are:
- Decking.
- Shelf.
- Slab.
- Brick.
- Concrete panels.
- Hedge.
The "chain-link" grid is now most popular material to create a country fence. Its main advantages are: affordable cost and easy installation. In creating the fence, you will need several rolls of "chain-link", trimming of iron pipes for columns, concrete. Such a fence, of course, does not protect the plot from prying eyes. But you can plant trees, bushes, flowers, perennials around the perimeter, plant vines near the fence to solve this problem.
Securely hide your privacy the professional flooring will help. Durable steel sheets coated with a polymer layer, for many years will regularly perform its function. The construction of such a fence is also no different complexity. It can be done independently, without spending a lot of time. The only disadvantage of this design is the state view of the fence.
The classic material for the fence is wooden fence. A large number of sawmills makes it easy to find this material. With the creation of such a fence is easy to handle. In the construction they use except shtaketin - logs and pillars. The disadvantage of this fence can be attributed rotting wood under the influence of external conditions. You can prolong his life with special impregnations.
Fence from croaker It looks a bit strange, but it can be an attractive factor for admirers of original designs. Mounting it is similar to the fence fence.
Brick fences can be a solid wall, if the elements are placed on the edge. If necessary, save material, brick is placed in a checkerboard pattern. This design looks solid and attractive. Owning masonry skills, you can create it yourself. A serious disadvantage of a brick fence is its high price and complexity. For him it is necessary to lay out columns of brick, make a foundation around the perimeter for the fence.
Much cheaper construction cost from concrete slabs. Installation of such a fence is made quickly, as you can buy plates and special poles. The design does not require a foundation, you need to concrete only glasses for the pillars. Such a fence will be serve many years and securely protect the dacha. The disadvantage is the need to use special equipment.
Recently appeared PVC fences, but there are much more people willing to acquire this beautiful and durable hedge than produced material. Therefore, to find it is not easy. Such designs can have various shades and textures that allows you to perfectly decorate the site. Polyvinyl chloride is not afraid of external influences, and therefore has a long service life.
You can do without a fence, using to mark the border green spaces. Usually, as an additional fence, plant protection poles are installed, and the wire is tensioned.
Fence из сетки «рабицы» своими руками
Creating a suburban fence from the grid "chain-link" can be done independently. But the help of 2-3 people, nevertheless, is required. For the construction will require:
- Rabitz";
- pillars;
- reinforcement: cable, metal rods or wire about 5 mm thick;
- gravel;
- solution.
When choosing a "chain-link" it should be noted that the non-galvanized black mesh will quickly begin encrust. It will have to be painted every 4 years to protect against corrosion. The cost of galvanized mesh is not much higher, so it is preferable to use this option. Now on sale appeared "chain-link" in which the wire is covered polymeric material. Such a grid is not only not exposed to external influences, but also looks attractive, as it is available in several colors.
For the fence, you can install wooden poles. But such the design is short-lived, as the material is prone to rotting. It is better to use for collecting trimming metal pipes with a thickness of more than 2 mm in diameter 70-110 mm. Asbestos-cement and concrete pillars are also used for the fence.
Initially need markup In order to eliminate the deflection of the grid, the columns should be located no more than 2.5 meters apart. Pits can be dug with a shovel or holes can be drilled for pillars. Depth should be 20 cm lower than the boundary of soil freezing. This will avoid moving the pillars during the spring flood. The pit is dug 1.5 m. To the bottom crushed stone is poured and ramming.
Then you need to pour a layer of sand, also rammed. Pipe processed anti-corrosion agent and installed in the pit. A solution is poured around the pipe. A week later, you can begin to tighten the "chain-link."
Installation of a chain-link
The grid will be attached to the pillars. with hooks, which need to be welded. As fasteners can be used: pieces of metal rod, thick wire, screws, nails. A roll with a “rabbi” is installed vertically at the first corner post. The net hangs on hooks inserted vertically rebar. It is immediately welded to the post so that the grid does not bend. Then she stretches to the next pillar and put on hooks. After that, at a distance of 10 cm from the top edge, a horizontal rod is inserted into the grid cells. In this way, the design of all spans. The final stage is the bending of all the hooks.
The grid can be pulled on the poles. But if you want to create a more durable, aesthetically attractive design, it is worth make sections using metal corners. Such a fence is not cheap, as the cost of corners is often it turns out higher than the price of the "chain-link" itself.
Fence из профнастила своими руками
The advantages of corrugated board are obvious, which makes it popular. One of the important factors for choosing this material is ease of installation To create such a fence will require:
- profiled sheets;
- steel profile for log;
- metal screws with a length of 35 mm;
- metal rods for supports;
- crushed stone;
- solution.
For support posts, round or square can be used. metal pipes. The diameter of the round pillars must be at least 76 mm, the cross section of square pipes must be at least 60 × 60 mm. Top holes it is desirable to brew to prevent moisture. The depth of the pits for the pillars is one and a half meters. It should be noted that it can be more if the fence is high. To prevent the fence from winding down, the underground part needs to be deepened 1/3 of the height of the fence.
At the bottom of the pit falls asleep 20 cm rubble layer rammed and installed pillar. Around it is filled with a solution. To fix it, two diagonal rods are welded. They are driven into the ground by 30 cm. Proceeding to the installation of corrugated board can be after complete solidification of the solution.
First to the pillars metal lags are welded. They should be at 30−40 cm from the top and bottom edges of the sheets. Sheets profiled are placed overlap, attached to the logs with metal screws every 50 cm.
It is advisable to close the supporting pillars with stone or brick cladding. This will extend the life of the fence, make it more attractive.
Types of fences to give a lot. It is necessary to carefully consider all their advantages and disadvantages, take into account features suburban area, the harmony of the fence and style of the house. Then the created design will not only protect your personal space, but also provide comfort, will please the eye and cheer up.