Address for the celestials

restaurant "Sky" in St. Petersburg Marina Sheyko, Oleg Kovalenko, Alexander Kutlinsky, Yuri Kozlovsky

Passing the gallery

A photo: Peter Lebedev

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Text: Inna Semenova

Architect: Yuri Kozlovsky, Oleg Kovalenko, Marina Sheiko, Alexander Kutlinsky

Magazine: N (98) 2005

Restaurant "Sky", located on the top floor of the shopping center "Peak" (Sennaya Sq., 2), has become the largest panoramic restaurant in St. Petersburg. The interior fully justifies the name: the Petersburg sky penetrates through a huge window, passing the baton to the inner space. Its colors are dominated by sky blue and steel color. Light screens on the walls reflect the traveling clouds. And even on the carpet, created according to the sketches of Oleg Kovalenko, comets and falling stars are depicted. Contemplating the city from the height of bird flight, it is especially easy to feel like a celestial being.