Architect, designer, artist, world star Ron Arad (Ron Arad) again in Moscow. After a ten-year break (in June 2005, his installation and limited edition objects were shown with great success at the AV Shchusev State Museum of Architecture), a private entreprise, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, indulging the capital with European and American superpremiators, prepares its large-scale retrospective.

Ron Arad (Ron Arad) has earned the recognition and fame of the modern creator, convincingly existing on the border between industrial design and art. According to Arad, genuine art is born where objects for life go beyond the needs of man. In the professional community, Arad is often called the “steel man”: the designer’s favorite materials are metal and polyamide. It is in the motionless and brilliant steel that Arad’s furniture fantasies are truly embodied.

First of all, the New York dealer Gary Tatintsian, who showed Muscovites trucks and carved tires Wim Delvoy, abstractions by Ansel Reyle or Bad Painting by Peter Soul, will demonstrate the fresh work of Ron Arad, the artist, the Pressed Flower series of extruded Fiat 500 cars exhibited earlier in Pinakothek Anjelli (Turin) and the Design Museum in Holon (Israel), designed by Ron Arad.
Кресло After Spring and Before Summer. Бронза. 1992.The retrospective of Ron Arad at the Moscow Gary Tatintsian Gallery will run from November 18 to February 1, 2017.