540 bottles

Place restaurant in Kiev

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

A photo: Andrey Posonsky

Idea: Vladislav Korobov

Project author: Evgeniy Bakaev

Architect: Alexey Pyshkin, Elena Orelskaya

Magazine: N4 (126) 2008

540 silicone bottles, constantly changing color, a mirror from BOFFI (exactly the same as Monica Bellucci), chandeliers from BAROVIER&TOSO, Italian furniture, expensive dishes from SCHOTT ZWIESEL and exclusive Italian cuisine from chef Pietro Del Grosso. This is the recently opened Place restaurant in Kiev, which from the first days claims to be the most expensive and most fashionable place in the city. Restaurant owner Vladislav Korobovwhich came specifically from Moscow to Kiev, says so: "There was a desire to open in Kiev such a place that would be widely known not only here, but also in Europe, therefore everything is expensive, exclusive and non-standard here." In the menu you can see risotto with cuttlefish ink and gold petals, homemade spaghetti with tomato gratin and pecorino cheese or sea bass fillet, prepared according to one of the three recipes chosen by the guest.

Address: Kiev, st. Hospital, 12g