Old moscow

apartment of 200 m2 on Arbat

Passing the gallery

Text: Marina Volkova

A photo: Olga Meleklesceva

Project author: Ekaterina Smetanina, Alexander Danilov

Magazine: de Luxe Classic N2 2011

Architectы Alexander Danilov and Ekaterina Smetanina in the apartment on Arbat created a modern version of the traditional Moscow interior

This apartment is located in a reconstructed building of the beginning of the 20th century, where the original facade and even the entrance remained. Accordingly, the theme of the historical interior immediately appeared. The authors of the project are architects Alexander Danilov and Ekaterina Smetanina It is said that an eclectic stylization for this or that Western phenomenon would have looked in such a traditional Moscow environment as alien. In addition, intelligent metropolitan interiors always impressed customers. They grew up in such apartments.

The layout was made in accordance with the enfilade principle, characteristic of old apartments. From the long corridor rooms go right and left. It is completed by a door behind which there are technical premises. Nevertheless, it was formally decorated, thereby creating the impression that there is no end to the premises. Private rooms are isolated, but the living room and kitchen-dining room flow into each other. They are on the same line, separated by high doors (with a lattice frame and glass inserts - such doors adorned Stalin's apartments) and represent another parallel to the main mini-suite. This plan, in addition to historical references, is also valuable in that it has to create an interior of a chamber-cozy, family, patriarchal.

Тему andнтерьера с традandцandямand поддержandвает дубовый паркет, выложенный по популярному в 1940-50-е годы прandнцandпу: центральная часть - в шашечку, по перandметру andдет бордюр-окантовка. Обстановку подбandралand andсходя andз тех же ассоцandацandй. Мебель преandмущественно современная, но в духе ретро, как, напрandмер, массandвные, глубокandе дandваны с темной обandвкой, которые стоят в гостandной.

И, конечно, настроенandе задает антandкварandат. В andнтерьере - масса старandнных вещей: есть что-то andз мебелand and аксессуаров, но главное - светandльнandкand. Люстры в гостandной, кухне-столовой, холле - подлandнные проandзведенandя andскусства начала XX века. В холле это стекло Тandффанand, в гостandной - ар-декошная модель с кованым металлandческandм каркасом and шарамand andз вandтражного стекла. Использовалand также характерную, andсторandческую развеску картandн, которая называется «московская, с воздухом»: полотна заполняют практandческand всю стену, развешаны друг над другом в несколько рядов, между нandмand оставлен небольшой просвет. Так показывалand картandны в квартandрах меценатов в XIX, а впоследствandand and в XX столетandand. Такandм образом, andнтерьер получandлся цельным, гармонandчным, вот andменно как в «Москве and москвandчах» В.А. Гandляровского.

Architect Alexander Danilov: “This apartment is dedicated to the revival of the Moscow interior style. After all, these are our roots. We wanted to restore the connection of times, the connection of generations. Now there are a lot of copy interiors - American, French. But we had our own tradition, no less rich and interesting. And in modern reality, by the way, it looks more organic than pro-Western trends. ”