In the Russian pavilion at the XVI International Architecture Biennale in Venice will be held the exhibition “Station of Russia” - an exhibition about railway stations and railways. The commissioner of the pavilion and curator of the exhibition is the rector of the St. Petersburg Institute. Repin, architectural historian Semyon Mikhailovsky.
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In the five halls of the "Station of Russia" will show the past, present and future of the Russian railways. In the first room, a video installation of the artist Arden Wald will be installed. The second will house the “Architectural depot” with archival models and photo chronicles, including the model of the first station in Pavlovsk (the authors are the architectural bureau “Liteiny part - 91”).

There will also be shown the drawings and objects of Nikolai Shumakov (Metrogiprotrans), the project of the Moscow-Kazan expressway and the work of Studio 44 for the renovation of the Sochi railway station. The third hall will house the futuristic projects of the NER group (“New Element of Settlement”) of the 1960s, solutions for the reconstruction of the capital square of the three stations of the Citizenstudio and Studio 911 groups against the background of Anatoly Akue's graffiti. In the fourth and fifth halls will show the installation of old suitcases and video "7 days in 7 minutes" by Daniel Zinchenko.

The theme of the main architectural exhibition of the world its curators Yvonne Farrell and Shelly McNamara formulated as Freespace - free space. For Russia, it is a vast expanse united by lines of old and new railways. One of the partners of the Russian project is called, which is logical, JSC Russian Railways.
• Exhibition “Station of Russia”, Venice, since May 23.