Swing gates do it yourself

Swing gatesSwing gates — это самая простая и часто используемая конструкция. Она состоит из одной или двух створок, которые закреплены на столбах. Ворота способны открываться как внутрь, так и наружу двора, но для открытия требуется достаточное количество места, что является не всегда удобным. Ворота могут открываться как механическим, так и электрическим способом. Створы оснащены петельным механизмом, при помощи которого выполняют вращение.

Modern swing gates are equipped with special wicketthat allows you to open not all the gates, but only part of them. For security, a five or six meter high gate is installed, which reduces the risk of unauthorized entry into private territory. But if there is no such need, they are made low, and at the same time can be decorated with various decorative elements. Swing gates are mainly made of forged grilles or metal sheets, which allows to increase the duration operation.


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of swing gates
  • 2 Features of swing gates
  • 3 How to make swing gates with your own hands?
    • 3.1 Working process
  • 4 Basic installation errors
  • 5 The cost of homemade swing gates

Benefits и недостатки распашных ворот


  • low cost, which will bring joy to many consumers;
  • простота установки и долгий срок operation конструкции;
  • installation can be made с собственными дизайнерскими доработками;
  • if there are no restrictions in the aperture, then there are also no restrictions on passing vehicles;
  • the possibility of using various materials for the manufacture of structures;
  • installation can be made by myself.


  • for a solid installation, it is necessary to bury the posts deep, which is not always easy to do;
  • бетонирование pillars занимает много времени;
  • with insufficient concreting, the pillars with time may be tilted to the side;
  • the need for a large amount of installation space;
  • with strong winds use swing gates insecure, since under such conditions it is rather difficult to control the sashes;
  • when installing an electric drive, it is necessary to buy several wires to open the gate, which can significantly increase the purchase price.

Features of swing gates

Swing gatesVirtually any type of gate has some features. Do not be an exception and swing gates. The design of the gate is made in such a way that the use of free space is made as efficiently as possible. The reliability of the gate is provided by special blocks of rollers, which are located in the lower part of the profile beams and are activated by opening and closing the gate.

There are some basic featureswhich distinguish swing gates from sliding or other types:

  • a huge selection of colors, offers the consumer more than 25 different options for swing gates;
  • special coating profile protects the fabric from exposure corrosionas well as adverse weather conditions;
  • при сборке используют кнопочный угловой соединитель, который помогает избежать в процессе operation провисания створок;
  • the hidden fastener of the material allows preserving the aesthetic appearance of the whole structure, and also prevents various foreign objects from falling between the profiles
  • A special assembly method makes it easy to repair damage without dismantling the entire structure;
  • sashes are fixed by three-section hinges that increase the service life of the gate.

How to make swing gates with your own hands?

Sheathe frame распашных ворот рекомендуется deckingом, так как это долговечный материал, который не подвергается corrosion и же другим неблагоприятным воздействиям. Для начала необходимо определиться с высотой и шириной ворот, а также, в каком именно месте будет находиться установка.

Working process

Swing gatesTo work you will need:

  • Bulgarian with a set of disks for cutting;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • hammer, pickaxe, shovel, auger;
  • construction level, tape measure;
  • кисточки для покраски pillars;
  • bolts, anchors, drill with a different type of drills.

Once you have decided on the size and installation site, you need to start making yourself frame future gate. For this we need welding. You can make the frame yourself, or ask the welder. When mounting the frame, stiffeners must be installed, which play a significant role in the integrity of the structure.

After the frame is made, you need to start installing pillars. They can be simply concreted, or mounted on a column using anchors.

If it is decided to concrete the pillars, then first you need to dig the pits about 70–80 centimeters, install the prepared pillars there and fix them with rebar. Next, with the help of a level, check whether they are flat, if so, then the pillars should be filled with concrete.

Hinged The pillars can be fixed with 4 or 5 anchors, which are best mounted between the masonry, as this will be less noticeable. Further, for the reliability of the design we fix the pillars with brackets.

После проделанной работы, необходимо прислонить frame ворот к изготовленным столбам и отмерить необходимое расстояние для петель, отметить место. Дальше просверлить отверстия для болтов и установить петлю на столбы.

Next is installed itself decking при помощи шурупов. Листы нужно to lay плотно друг к другу, не жалеть болтов и шурупов, так как со временем, при недостаточном креплении, листы могут отойти друг от друга. После обшивки frameа deckingом, устанавливаем готовые ворота на петли столба.

Basic installation errors

Installation of swing gatesMost often mistakes are made precisely when installation gateway In order for the swing gates to serve you for decades, you need to follow several installation rules:

  1. Concrete pillars must be installed directly and fill with a sufficient portion of the concrete solution, otherwise the structure will stagger, and in the future may simply fall.
  2. Must be left gaps between the doors, as well as the edge of the canvas and the ground, as with the slightest movement of the ground, the supports will move a few millimeters.
  3. При installation петель обязательно celebrate Scheduled places, otherwise you will not be able to put loops on the gate.
  4. Cover sheets are also needed to lay under the level so that they fit under one height, otherwise the design will not look very nice.

Well that's all! When using these simple rules, your swing gates will be able to serve you for a very long time, as well as pleasantly surprise loved ones and acquaintances with their beauty. The main thing is not to forget to lubricate the hinges every few months - the gate will open without noise!

The cost of homemade swing gates

Price depends on what material will be used during installation, as well as on the size of the area on which they will be installed.

If not use the system security, it is possible to purchase materials for the installation of swing gates in an incomplete set. The price of such pleasure starts from 20 000 rubles, and ends at 40−45 thousand. Everything depends only on the initial plans of the consumer. Security system or other component types, can be ordered later, at an appropriate time.

Not worth it save at the gate, as they are a kind of calling card of the house itself, and excessive savings will affect the quality and durability of the material.