Shower in the country with their own hands

Shower in the countryДуш — это незаменимый атрибут на своей даче. С помощью душа можно охладиться во время знойного полудня or же просто смыть с себя пыль и грязь после работы в саду or на огороде.

Конечно, можно обойтись и без душа, ходить на речку (хотя не всегда она близко находится и реки в наше время весьма грязные) or же греть воду в ведрах, но зачем экономить и лишать тебя удовольствия от ощущения чистоты и прохлады на коже?

When building a shower is not so simple as it seems at first glance. Need to think the smallest detail in the construction:

  • place and drainage of water;
  • design;
  • tank volume and estimated cost.

You can endlessly upgrade shower but it is worthwhile to think over in advance what kind of option you need to give.


  • 1 Place under the shower
  • 2 Design and options
    • 2.1 Film shower
    • 2.2 Frame shower
  • 3 Materials for the construction of shower
  • 4 Phased installation of frame shower
  • 5 The price of making a summer shower

Place under the shower

Summer showerFirst you need choose a place to install the shower, the cabin should be installed in a well-heated, sunny area. It may be part of a plot that does not have high fences or the wall of the house, which is located on the sunny side. You can not put a cabin in the shade of trees or buildings, as the water in this case will be cold or чуть теплая.

When choosing a place for a shower, you should also pay attention to parity of the plot and the proximity of places for discharge of water, so as not to have to do wiring through the entire area.

Then you need to think soul destination - if it is a device for rinsing after a pool, then accordingly the cabin should stand near the pool and can be made открытый душ (только опоры и лейка с резервуаром сверху, без всевозможных ограждений), or построить обычный закрытый душ.

You can also install a shower near the wall дома (но нужно обезопасить стену от влаги — защитить кафелем or специальным покрытием).

Design and options

Depending on the type of construction, there are:

  1. Shower rack — стойку can be made самостоятельно, а можно купить уже готовую. Обычно используют возле бассейнов or в саду.
  2. Shower panel - a structure that can be attached to any vertical surface (wall, fence, etc.).
  3. Shower cabin — наиболее распространенный вариант для летнего душа, представляет собой конструкцию, огражденную с трех or четырех сторон, can be made с открывающимися дверями либо ширмой.

Since the shower most common for the dacha, we will consider its types, of course, there are a great many types of booths, but we will focus on the main ones:

  • ordinary film shower;
  • capital frame shower.

Film shower

Shower cabin filmFilm shower — самый cheap and simple on the construction option. Such a shower is generally called disposable - it will last only for 1 season. Convenience of the soul in its mobility - such a frame is easy can be transferred and put in any corner of the problem.

The frame is made quickly and easily: rectangular frame from metal pipes and wrapped on top with a film, on top is usually attached a tank of dark color for water. Below is the usual wooden lattice для ног, сбоку можно провести отвод воды or вообще не проводить.

But judging by appearance and properties, such a shower is temporary measure when building a more reliable and global form. The shower can be folded up to wash and immediately folded so that it does not take up space and does not spoil the overall look.

Frame shower

Factor of more durable and respectable film, has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • Frame showermonolithic construction;
  • good stability;
  • long service life;
  • excellent ventilation;
  • high rate of heating water;
  • simple water supply mechanism;
  • simple drain device.


  • on the street quickly comes to a bad state;
  • requires care in the rainy and cold season.

So, the frame shower is прямоугольную or квадратную конструкцию изготовленную из металла, которую устанавливают на основание: из бетона, на несколько труб or же на ordinary bricks.

The design is carefully installed to the base and sheathed on top any convenient material: wood, chipboard, panels made of plastic, slate, sheet metal - your imagination and financial capabilities are already included here.

What should be a frame shower?

  • water tank;
  • дверь or шторка;
  • leg grill (you can take a rubber mat);
  • drain for water;
  • shelves and hooks;
  • lighting.

Materials for the construction of the shower

Before building a shower, of course, you need purchase materials An example list is provided below.

  1. Shower in the countryBrick. If you plan to make a shower of brick - then you can approach three types of bricks: сorкатный (without plastering), red or ceramic (followed by plastering).

  2. Cement. Do not save on the quality of cement, it should be of high quality, it is necessary to use cement immediately after purchase. And it is better to take a little more cement than you need, it is better to have a reserve than a shortage.

  3. Sand. It is better and cheaper to buy sand machine. As practice shows, at the cottage sand is never superfluous. And if you buy sand bags, it will cost you twice as much.

  4. Bricks or rubble. These materials are needed for foundation, You can buy crushed stone at any time in the hardware store, and it is better to search for brick combat by sections or on your own plot.

Roof materials:

  • slate;
  • tile;
  • tree;
  • timber.

It is worth noting that the roof must match the power of the foundation, if the foundation is weak, it will not withstand heavy and powerful overlap.

Tank. You can put and ordinary iron barrel which is found at each cottage, but only on condition that the foundation and the structure can withstand it.

Now more often use modern plastic tanks for a shower. capacity from 200 liters. Такой бак можно купить в любом строительном магазине or даже можно приобрести б/у. Лучше всего выбрать широкий, но низкий вариант, т. к. strengthen and establish it will be much easier and the weight will be evenly distributed over the entire roof area.

The mechanism of the descent of water, the design includes:

  • crane;
  • pipe;
  • leech;
  • special device for installation in the tank.

Of course, do not expect strong water pressure since there is not enough pressure, but for an ordinary country dacha it is a good option that many summer residents are happy with.

Pipe removal materials. Need clear изхвърлять the distance to the sewer and buy sewage and a couple of meters of pipe.

Phased installation of frame shower

  1. Foundation for the soulDig a hole 1 × 1 m and a depth of about 30 - 40 cm.
  2. Яму заполняют щебнем or бетоном.
  3. Manufacturing frame. The basis is made of boards 15 cm wide and 100 cm long. In the corners, beams with a length from 2 to 2.5 meters (depending on the height of the swimmers) are fastened. The upper base, made according to the lower example, is fastened on top. You can strengthen the structure of the side lintels.
  4. Frame casing - You can use any material available to you.
  5. Installation tank on the roof (in our case, this is a plastic tank with a volume of 200 liters), but you can install a barrel.
  6. Installation watering cans inside and attaching it to the tank.
  7. Manufacturing lattices for the base of the soul.
  8. Manufacturing the doors or curtains.
  9. Installing all sorts of little things for the shower: hooks, shelves for soap and shampoos.

The price of making a summer shower

As practice shows, the minimum price for a summer shower with a cabin - 10 000 rubles, if you want install heating в кабину — то цена возрастет уже до 14 000 рублей. Summer shower из поликарбоната обойдется от 25 тысяч рублей.

The price of a shower depends on:

  • materials;
  • cabin size;
  • quality and volume of the tank;
  • foundation type.

Country showerIf you already have a summer shower, now you can upgrade and improvement of the shower.

Can hold water heating и продлить время использования душем вплоть до осени, также можно утеплить внешний каркас пенопластом or другим материалом.

A good solution for giving will be installation next to the shower рукомойника, с одной системой трубопровода, то есть который бы брал воду с бочки or tank.

It is worth noting once again that it is possible to make any shower in the summer cottage from the cheapest and simplest to a long-term heated shower with water from the pipeline, everything depends only on the place that is allocated for the shower and on your financial opportunities. But all the time modernizing a shower, people often forget its original meaning - just to wash off the dirt after a busy day, and convenience has its price, but see what is uncomfortable without you, and what is just done for decoration and has no practical function.