Marigold, тагетесы, чернобривцы — всё это имена одного и того же растения, любимца многих дачников. Неприхотливые яркие огоньки «горят» на живописных клумбах, радуя своей солнечной красотой. Цветы украшают садовые дорожки, «бархатные» цветники и создают уют на городских балконах. Чтобы они вовремя зацветали каждый год, нужно знать, как и когда в разных регионах проводить посадку бархатцев на рассаду.
- 1 Why marigolds are so popular with gardeners
- 2 Landing dates in 2018
- 2.1 General landing tips
- 2.2 Sowing marigolds on the lunar calendar
- 2.3 When to sow marigold seeds: a table of terms by region
- 3 landing Methods
- 4 Step-by-step instructions for planting marigolds on seedlings
- 5 What care is needed for young?
- 5.1 Video: how to plant a seedling of flowers
Why marigolds are so popular with gardeners
Marigold разнообразны по цвету и фактуре, не требуют сложного ухода, хорошо смотрятся на клумбах и в различных цветочных композициях. Marigold давно прижились на дачах и в парках, но их ценят не только за яркую красоту. Это ещё и полезные растения. Их широко применяют для защиты овощных и садовых культур от вредителей, используют в народной медицине и кулинарии.

Gardener favorites not only delight with beauty, but also benefit
What are they good for?
- Flowers have a specific, strong smell, insecticidal properties and produce phytoncides. Therefore, they serve to combat insect pests. A decoction of taggetts disinfect the flower bulbs and spray the seedlings.
- They are long cut in bouquets.
- Marigold используют в народной медицине для снятия стрессов, нормализации сахара крови, улучшения зрения.
- In cooking, dry flowers are used as a spice and added to sauces and marinades. This is another well-known oriental seasoning - imitin saffron.
These plants are widely used in landscape design, they look colorful in monocolonies (tapeworms) and color lawns and lawns. Flowerbed, made up of different varieties of taggetes, extremely spectacular. They follow each other in waves - from stunted on the periphery to the highest in its center. And the shape of their bushes is different: a ball, an inverted pyramid or lace, delicate leafy lace. A color palette varies from lemon or golden to white or yellow-brown.

Marigold сочетаются с другими цветами в ярких композициях
They bloom all summer and almost all autumn, perfectly combined with zinnias, levok, phlox, petunias, asters, dahlias and other flowering annuals. Sunny, bright flowers of warm shades are well combined with cool violet-lilac or blue flowers. And in small areas, marigolds perfectly color potato or other vegetable beds, scaring off pests from them.

A bright flowerbed of annual plants adorns the city park
Landing dates in 2018
Cultivation Tagetes practice seedlings and seedless method or sowing seeds directly on the flower bed. But due to the fact that these plants are thermophilic and tolerate drought better than frost, planting seedlings gives flowering earlier for almost a month. Yes, and the beds are uniform, because with direct sowing, not all seeds can ascend.
Application for growing seedlings of marigold in a favorable climate allows you to enjoy their bloom in April. To achieve this result, it is important to correctly calculate the time of sowing seeds in the home greenhouse. Recommendations for calculations are based on various criteria.

Terms of sowing seeds for seedlings are different for the regions of Russia
General landing tips
Experienced growers believe that the earliest sowing of seeds is February, but it may continue until mid-April. The timing is affected by various factors: cultivation technology, variety and region.
There are such technological methods of sowing seeds:
- For seedlings - from the end of winter, but at the same time the lighting is obligatory in the evening.
- Under the film - from May.
- In the open ground - a couple of weeks later, but in southern areas since April.
Weather conditions influence the sowing time, which differ significantly in different regions. When calculating the timing take into account that by the time the planting of bushes in the open ground should be stable steadily warm weather. And the ground should warm up to 15 degrees. It also takes into account the fact that by this time the seedlings should be 45-60 days. Considering these factors, it follows that planting marigolds on seedlings in different regions is different.
- In the Urals, in Siberia or in the Leningrad region (with possible night frosts even in the middle of May) it is better to plant marigolds in June. And, therefore, sowing seeds for seedlings should be no earlier than mid-April.
- В Moscow region и средней полосе сев семян можно начинать на пару недель раньше, чтобы пересадить рассаду в конце мая. Если же её укрывать спабондом, то сроки можно сдвинуть на пару недель.
- In the southern regions, with a mild winter and a friendly early spring, sowing can begin even 2–3 weeks earlier.
Flower growers need to pay attention to the fact that different varieties differ not only in appearance (height of the bush, its shape and color). They have different periods from seed germination to the beginning of flowering. It is known that tall varieties grow more slowly than thin-leaved and stunted. Making an amendment to the grade, sowing dates look like this:
- Straight-resistant varieties that need to reach 2-month maturity for flowering are sown from late March to early April.
- Low-growing varieties - a couple of weeks later.
- Sowing dates for thin-leaf specimens fall from the end of April to the first half of May. They need only a month before landing on the flower beds.
In any of the options transplantation into the ground takes place in May, then flowering can be observed as early as June.
Sowing marigolds on the lunar calendar
There are calculations of favorable and fruitless days for rassadny growing Tageteses on the lunar calendar for 2018 Based on them, the following days are considered successful (by months):
- In January - 12, 16, 22, 30 numbers, but additional lighting is needed.
- In February - 20–23, 25–27 numbers. Seedlings obtained from seeds, planted under the film in a flower garden in a month.
- In March - 7–10, 19–22, 24 numbers. In this case, the transfer to the flower beds begin in mid-April.
- In April - 7–9, 17, 19, 22, 25 numbers. The seedlings ripen for transplanting by May.
- In May - 1, 2, 8, 17, 23 numbers.
Sowing seeds on these days, you can grow bushes that bloom earlier and more generously grown from seeds planted on the beds immediately.
Unfavorable for planting taggetes are:
- In February: 1, 9, 14–16, 19, 24, 28 numbers.
- In March: 2, 12–15, 17, 23, 31 numbers.
- In April: 10, 15, 15, 24. 30 numbers.
- In May: 7, 14, 15, 29 numbers.
These days are empty, this includes new moons, full moons and solar eclipses.
When to sow marigold seeds: a table of terms by region
Varieties of varieties | Regions | ||
Kuban | Moscow region | Leningrad region, Ural, Siberia | |
Sowing in the greenhouse: upright | Early: the end of January-beginning of February (for the flowering in April) Conventionally: early March | Late March-early April | Second half of april |
undersized | Mid march | Mid april | End of april |
тонколистные | The end of March | End of april | Mid may |
Sowing in open ground under the film | End of march beginning of april | Home Yeast | Second half of may |
Sowing in open ground without shelter | End of april | The end of May | Mid june |
For reference: transplanting seedlings from the greenhouse | End of april | The end of May | Mid june |
At the same time with marigolds (at the same time), it is possible to sow on seedlings: larvae, escholcias, phloxes, zinnias, asters, petunias, delphiniums, sweet peas, daisies.
landing Methods
In addition to the traditional method, which will be discussed below, there are simpler methods of growing seedlings of taggetes. Consider three of them:
- In the snail. The roll of the substrate under the laminate is cut into tapes 10 cm wide. They are rolled up into a spiral and put into a five-liter plastic bottle for water cut in half lengthwise. For reliability, the "snail" fasten clerical elastic. Between its layers fall asleep neutral moist soil. Sticks the seeds in it with a spout down, put markers of the variety and sowing date. Then the container covered with a film or medical shoe covers and wait for germination.
- A small layer of earth is poured into the same container, then plentifully covered with seeds. They will look like a layer of mulch. Sowing material is plentifully watered from a spray bottle, covered with a second part of the container, sealed with tape. When 2 true leaves appear on the seeds, they are transplanted into separate cups. To make it easier to separate them, seedlings are moistened with a spray bottle.
- In diaper. On the food package lay out in several layers of paper, which is well moistened. Retreating from the edge by 0.5–0.7 cm, the seeds are laid out on it with a black nose down. The diaper is rolled up like a roll-up cigarette, put in a glass with water, covered with foil. Shoots appear after a few days.
Step by step instructions for planting marigolds on seedlings
Prepared seeds are planted in cups or boxes. It is necessary that the boxes have drainage holes to drain excess water. Their bottoms are first covered with paper, and a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone is poured onto it with a layer of 3 cm. Subsequent actions are carried out according to the following scheme:
- Soil preparation. The colors are suitable light and nutritious composition of 2 parts of garden soil, 1 part peat, humus and slightly less coarse sand. To the earth better "breathed" in it sprinkle a little coconut fibers. It is disinfected by watering a saturated color of hot manganese. There are also special means for this (Fitosporin). Then the earth mixture is calcined for 1 hour in the oven or 10 minutes in the microwave. Ready-made substrate purchased in the store does not need it. In order for it to develop beneficial bacteria, the substrate is poured into boxes and left at room temperature for 3 days.
The earth mixture must be calcined in the oven.
- Seeds purchased from a store or collected from a garden plot are folded into cotton bags, moistened abundantly with warm water, and left warm for 3 days to ascend faster.
Soil the seeds before planting.
- In the prepared earth mixture, grooves are drawn at a distance of 4 cm from each other. They lay the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm, leaving an interval of 2 cm.
In the tank with the ground make grooves for seeds
- From above, they are poured with a mixture of equal parts of sand and earth, and a little bit of wood ash is added to the same place to prevent black leg disease.
The seeds of marigold sprinkled with soil
- Top of the contents of the boxes covered with glass or film and left at a temperature of 22-25 C.
Sown marigold seeds should be covered with something transparent.
- Greenhouses are ventilated every day so that condensate does not accumulate. Watering is carried out with separated warm water, and it is better to spray it from the spray bottle. The land should not dry out.
When germinating seeds should observe the mode of watering.
- When sprouts appear, the temperature in the room is reduced to 18 ⁰C.
Marigold sprouts need sunlight
What kind of care is needed for the young?

Growing marigold seedlings will be successful if you follow simple rules for caring for them.
Seedling care rules include the following items:
- The temperature in the room should not exceed 18 C.
- Watering is carried out with warm settled water in the morning as the soil dries.
- Light day should be 15 hours. If the plants do not have enough sunlight, then apply fluorescent lighting.
- Every 2 weeks the plants are fed with complex fertilizers, stopping feeding 2 weeks before transplanting seedlings into open ground. You can use the liquid tool "Ideal" (2 caps per liter of water). It is useful to alternate such compositions: hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) or ammonia (1 tablespoon per half a bucket).
- With the formation of 2 of these leaves dive bushes into the soil with the same composition. The transplant is done according to the scheme 7 by 7 by 7. At the same time, the main root is shortened by half, so that the side processes are formed.
- 10 days before disembarking on a bed, the seedlings are hardened, exposing to the air. The time of these "walks" is gradually adjusted to the day.
Video: how to plant seedlings of flowers
When growing these bright heat-loving annuals that bloom for at least 4 months a year, it is better to use the seedling method. It allows you to speed up the flowering of plants, to improve its quality. But it is important to correctly calculate the time of sowing, taking into account climatic conditions, the specifics of the growth of each variety and other factors. Then the marigolds will bloom together soon after planting a flower bed.