Садовый участок с аккуратно вымощенными дорожками всегда говорит о любви своего хозяина к красивому ландшафтному дизайну. Для этих целей нередко применяется природный камень. Он настолько хорошо гармонирует с любым ландшафтом, что среди других материалов для оформления дорожек ему нет равных. Natural stone — отличный способ создать уникальный дизайн, а также ценный элемент декора, который помогает собрать все объекты на дачном участке в единое целое.
- 1 Pros and cons of natural stone paths
- 2 Features of natural stone: comparison with other materials
- 3 Laying natural stone paths
- 3.1 The sequence of laying natural stone on a sand pillow
- 3.2 Laying on concrete
Pros and cons of natural stone paths
Roads paved with natural stone, always look just great. They are able to transform the garden and emphasize the advantages of the surrounding landscape. But natural stone has others advantages, besides excellent decorative qualities:
Wide range of in the market of building materials, allowing you to easily select the desired type of stone;
- Easy installationdoes not require additional costs for the services of workers;
- Long service life;
- Heat resistance and frost resistance.
Natural stone and in fact durable - it is able to serve without losing its properties or deforming for more than 300 years. It can be used for paving roads in areas of absolutely any size and shape, as well as in any landscape design.
Natural stone use has, of course, some not particularly pleasant moments:
- When buying material will have to spend a tidy sum;
- Natural stone довольно massive, therefore, its movement is possible only with the help of transport;
- Before you start laying stone you need to make small projectcontaining a sketch of the future track and specific calculations.
In principle, natural stone can be considered elite material. Many developers are very afraid of the price of such a product, but it is fully consistent with the quality that the manufacturer offers.
Features of natural stone: comparison with other materials
Natural stone is a unique material created by nature itself. Due to this, he has formed some features that markedly distinguish this product from artificial analogues. Compare natural stone with other materials can be on such criteria as:
- the process of receiving;
- variability;
- life time;
- performance characteristics.
The most discussed fact concerning natural stone as a building material is, perhaps, its the cost. Производитель оценивает такой товар далеко не дешево. Тем не менее, на фоне других материалов для мощения дорог природный камень не так уж и дорог, особенно если учитывать его многочисленные положительные свойства. В основном, the cost такого стройматериала всегда остается неизменной, чего нельзя сказать о других товарах, предлагаемых застройщикам.
As the name implies, natural stone is not chemically produced in an enterprise. It is mined in small quarries, and then only sent for processing. This is another distinctive feature of natural stone - to obtain it, it is not necessary to pollute the environment with industrial waste. Plus, the process of its extraction is not complicated at all and therefore does not require the use of explosives. The natural origin of the stone ensures that this material environmentally friendly and does not pose a risk to human health. Even during operation, the material does not express absolutely any negative features.
Natural stone is so diverse and unique that this fact is simply amazing. No company can produce such a unique material. The possibilities of nature are endless - she has created millions of different stones, and they are all beautiful in their own way. Of course, before going on sale, natural stones are processed in the form of cutting and grindingHowever, this does not make them less exclusive. A variety of material does not stop at the multiplicity of forms and textures. In the hardware stores you can find stones of different colors. In terms of the quantity of the assortment, not a single material can compare with a natural stone.
Несмотря на высокую the cost, натуральный камень — очень economical way pave garden paths. The main reason for this paradox is that natural material does not spoil и практически do not modify со временем, тем самым избавляя застройщика от необходимости возобновлять ремонтные работы.
Natural stone can actually become an ideal option for people who have the opportunity to invest a large amount of money in construction once to forget about problems with the roads. Many materials are different decent service lifeHowever, this creation of nature surpasses them several times.
As already mentioned, in the process of service natural stone is almost do not modify. That is why it is very convenient to use as a material for paving tracks. If we compare natural stone with any other building material in terms of stability and strength, then we can confidently say that it has no equal.
Even with regular operation, such coverage will remain in its former state even after several tens, or even hundreds, years. It is important that natural stone does not react at all to the impact low or high temperatures. Under their influence, it does not deform or crack, which can happen with material of artificial origin.
Laying natural stone paths
Paving garden paths natural stone can occur in one of two ways:
- The method of applying a coating on a sand pillow;
- Method of laying material on the concrete mix.
Both the first and second technologies are almost identical, however, they still have some distinctive features.
The sequence of laying natural stone on a sand pillow
To start breaking out неглубокая trench, the width and length of the same contours of the future track;
- Then its bottom is covered with a layer of crushed stone no more than 10 cm thick;
- On the rubble fit sand pillow;
- The path is formed directly with the help of natural stone;
- The seams are closed by sand;
- The coating is watered.
The size of the trench, which is pulled out at the initial stage of technology, is determined by the properties of the soil. The stronger and stronger the earth layer, the less should be the depth of the "blank". For weak and light soils, this value can reach 50–60 cm In the opposite case, it is recommended not to make a trench deeper than 30 cm.
As for the formation of a sand cushion, it is better if this process occurs in two approaches. The total thickness of the stacked layer should be about 10−15 cm. Each layer should good tamp and pour water.
Laying on concrete
Laying "on concrete" is also performed in several stages:
- At the level of the boundaries of the future garden path is formed trench;
- Into her alternately stacked layers of rubble and sand;
- Then a formwork is created into which concrete is poured;
- After the mixture dries, the formwork is removed;
- In the resulting form is filled up sand;
- A natural stone is laid on the sandy layer;
- Performed stitching в виде заполнения их by sand;
- The surface of the track is moistened.
Formwork should be removed only after complete drying of concrete. In order to prevent cracks on the surface of the solidifying mixture, it is necessary to water it periodically.
In the modern world, the field of building materials production does not stand still. Increasingly, there are new technologies for the manufacture of artificial raw materials. Nevertheless, natural materials are considered very valuable, as far as their quality has not been succeeded by any enterprise. Natural stone is enough expensive pleasure.
Однако лучше этого материала для мощения дорожек найти невозможно. Он отличается высокой крепостью, долговечностью, а также замечательными декоративными свойствами. Natural stone laying — процесс не такой уж и сложный, особенно, если подробно изучить его технологию.