Metal profile for the fence

Metallic profileFencing of the site gives it comfort and security. It is for this reason that many owners, not having had time to build a structure, begin to wonder how to protect their yard from prying eyes. In addition, the fencing denotes the boundaries of the site. So, the fence must be strong, reliable, durable and also look beautiful, be combined in design with its environment.


  • 1 What material to choose
  • 2 The advantages of the metal profile
  • 3 How to choose a metal profile
  • 4 Installation of metal profile hedge
  • 5 Reviews
  • 6 Conclusion

What material to choose

Metal profile fenceDeciding to put a fence, you immediately think about the question of what material to use? After all now fences are different and for this reason there are difficulties with the choice. To help you decide, this article will talk about the fence of the metal profile.

Immediately you can say - this the most practical solution. This product combines the following characteristics:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • modern design.

The strength of the product gives the metal sheet. The polymer coating is applied on it. It is applied in several layers; any weather conditions and protects the structure from corrosion.

Metal profile fence does not require special care, does not fade, long retains its original appearance.

The advantages of the metal profile

  1. You can create any composition you want. And most importantly, you do not have to put any special effort.
  2. It is possible to install a fence even on uneven soil, although this is very difficult to do with other material. Based on this fact, we can say that the metal profile perfect material for these purposes. You can order sheets of different sizes. To do this, you should draw a plan of the area with all its slopes and irregularities, having done this, you can go to make an order.
  3. Metal profile - universal material. It goes well with other materials. A bit of fantasy and you get a comprehensive fence. Suppose you have already put concrete pillars, if metal profiles are installed between them, it will look great. The original look, if the flights are slate-metal or metal-stone.

Such are advantages metal profile, but that's not all, it is only a small number of them.

How to choose a metal profile

Metal profile fenceMetal profile fence looks great Only if the material is selected quality.

You should not make a choice only in appearance, should be considered some parameters. First, decide which metal profile you need for a hedge. Visually, you can see that the sheets are corrugated. It is this characteristic provides strength product reliability.

Remember what denser and taller wave, the product will be stronger. Pay attention to the thickness of the material.

Types of metal profiles:

  • carrier, the height of the waves and the thickness of the metal is the greatest, is used only when special strength is needed, most often this type is used in the construction of household buildings or wall cladding;
  • несуще-wallThe price corresponds to the strength, most often used in construction fencing, wall cladding;
  • wall, изделие низкой ценовой категории, используется для монтажа fencing только в том случае, если вы хотите защититься от постороннего взгляда.

Color spectrum:

  • the higher the strength, the greater the color gamut;
  • most fragile coatings - цинковые, and also zinc with the addition of silicon, aluminum;
  • polyester и polyester-тефлон обеспечивает устойчивость к воздействию внешней среды;
  • PVC - coating resistant to the sun and temperature changes.

The price of the fence of the metal profile very attractive if you compare it with fences made from other materials: stone, brick, marble, granite and so on. What does the sheet price depend on? From the thickness of the metal, strength and density the location of the waves.

Installation of a metal profile hedge

There is nothing wrong with this process, you can do this work yourself. The main thing that you had desire and a little time. To transport these sheets is not difficult, their weight is small. So, special physical strength is not required. So, the sheets you purchased, now proceed to work.

  1. Installation of metal profile for the fenceInstall основание, на которое будет крепиться забор. Для основания можно брать столбики из металлопрофиля, можно столбики выложить из кирпича, железные столбы взять. Одним словом, можно что — то придумать. Помните, при установке столбиков, fasten them securely. It is best to pour them with concrete solution. This will give the columns extra strength.
  2. Perpendicular to the pillars fasten elements from metal profile, but a little less. It turns out the frame of the fence.
  3. Install листы металлопрофиля. For attaching them to you screws will be useful, hats must be rubberized. Such caps should prevent rust on sheets at the joint. The fastener is twisted with a screwdriver. it more comfortable and faster.
  4. Sheets are attached with a slight overlap on the adjacent element. In this case, the sheets will not be separated, deformed, their strength will become much greater.
  5. Install security features on the side and top of the fence. Special pads are placed on the sharp edges.


Long thought how to garden from neighbors. A friend advised me to purchase a metal profile fence. I listened to my friend and now have no regrets. The fence is worth two years alreadybut it seems that I set it up quite recently.

Peter, Moscow

Bought a plot, it is located on rough surface. I thought that there would be problems with the installation of the fence. I chose the fence of metal. Made a plan of the site, made the order. Problems with the installation was not.

Alexey, Novgorod

I decided to save and block my neighbors with wall metal profiles. Very satisfied. The price is small and the quality is excellent.

Sergey, Moscow


If you want your site to be protected from unnecessary eyes and look great, purchase a fence made of metal profile. is he reliable, durable, durable, resistant to external temperatures. Without a doubt, such a fence is currently the most popular.