Everyone already knows that the inhabitants of large cities suffer greatly from air pollution and the environment, as well as constant noise. With the onset of the warm season, of course, I want to be closer to nature and take a break from the eternal fuss that is inherent in megalopolises. A summer house or a small country house is a cozy place where you can relax and enjoy life. Everyone wants this small area in nature to be beautiful and harmonious, so you should think about landscape design. In this article you will learn how to choose a design for your summer cottage and independently implement it in life.
- 1 What is included in the landscape of the suburban area?
- 2 Stages of design
- 3 Variants of the dacha landscape
- 4 How to choose a landscape for the suburban area?
- 5 Как by myself сделать дизайн?
What is included in the landscape of the suburban area?
Landscape design of the site is called not only harmonious, but also logically complete design of the house, as well as the territories that are adjacent to it. purpose landscape design - is the creation of a convenient and comfortable in the entire summer cottage, while the buildings and plantings should complement each other. Various design solutions can hide the defects of the structure with the help of various plantings. The painstaking work of a professional designer will transform the dacha area and it will acquire natural outlines, which will force surrounding people to admire the created harmony and perfection.
Landscape design is not limited to gardeningм plot, it includes the use of garden furniture, various sculptures, the creation of reservoirs, as well as much more that is needed for the improvement of the suburban area.
Life in cities and megalopolises does not cause bright positive emotions, and everyday worries and the dullness of everyday life lead to stress. That is why most people want to spend time in nature, and preferably at their summer cottage with friends and relatives. Well thought out Landscape Your own site will have a positive impact not only on your inner spirit, but also on your overall health.
Spending summer evenings will be much cozier and more comfortable, surrounded by ornamental plants or near your own reservoir where lilies grow. Various design solutions will help make your summer cottage attractive and cozy.
Stages of design
Перейдем к stageм создания дизайна. Его можно разделить на три stage:
- The first step is design. Он предполагает создание the project, который будет учитывать все тонкости и детали Landscapeа дачного участка, а также поможет контролировать качество выполнения последующих работ.
- The second stage is landscaping suburban area. It implies the creation of reservoirs, fountains and various small architectural forms. This stage is more difficult, as in the implementation of his life will need help or expert advice.
- The third stage is gardeningthat is characterized by planting trees, lawn device, as well as the creation of various flower beds. This stage is creative, it will bring a lot of positive emotions and emphasize the uniqueness of your site.
Варианты Landscapeа дачного участка
The main condition for creating a landscape is to respect proportions между свободным и занятым пространством, она должна составлять 2:1, чтобы Landscape имел гармоничный и законченный вид. Следует помнить, что существуют составляющие Landscapeа, которые связаны между собой. Эта связь прослеживается между водой, воздухом, землей, а также растительным и животным миром. Проектирование не является простым процессом, так как оно требует определенного вкуса, познаний в этой сфере и большого труда. Самое первое и важное решение при начале Landscapeного дизайна — rulesьно и гармонично распределить зоны на вашем дачном участке. Если вам трудно принять rulesьное решение, то следует исходить из provisions your house.
Creature the project It is a very important and at the same time crucial stage, since the final result depends on the design, therefore it is necessary to correctly form your ideas on paper. When you create a project do not forget about the lighting system, drainage and watering, if you plan to use a large number of plantations.
Planning land can be divided into 3 types:
- Geometric planning - the dacha is divided into territories.
- Landscaping planирование — основывается на фантазии собственников участка, подойдет для оформления коттеджей.
- Planning mixed type - it is suitable for registration of the site of any type.
The most acceptable option for creating a landscape of a dacha-type plot is geometrical planning. It is based on an even or oblique separation of parts of the suburban area, in order to plant the seedlings on each of the parts.
If your holiday plot has nonstandard then you should stick to several rules when designing:
- If the plot triangular the shape, then the design should be located near one of the corners of the site.
- If you have L-shaped форма дачного участка, то расположение дома следует planировать в большей части вашего участка.
- House which is located on the slopeshould be located at the top of the site to avoid flooding the building, and there was an opportunity to contemplate the entire surrounding area.
How to choose the landscape for the suburban area?
To create a landscape design it is not necessary to seek help from to professionals, and it is worth trying to equip the site on their own. To do this, you must adhere to certain laws and regulations.
You must first create plan Your site and mark on it all existing, as well as the proposed objects and structures: house, bath room, ornamental plants and trees. So you will see how best to organize your free area. The design of the landscape of the suburban area is a very exciting process. Plants and shrubs that you have chosen for landscaping the suburban area, it is better to plant in groups than to plant them separately. Here it is necessary to ensure that the plants do not interfere with the growth of each other. It should be remembered that you do not need to plant trees along a straight line, since such austerity does not make the site natural. At the center of each project with landscape design should be the main structure. Details exterior должны строго соответствовать стилю дома: decorative растения, газоны, искусственные waterы, а также все архитектурные формы.
The owners of suburban areas are trying отгородить territory, but not necessarily build a high fence. As an alternative to the fence can make a hedge of willow, shrubs or other plants. She can not only protect your site from prying eyes, but also ennoble, decorate it. A very original and effective solution will be a hedge of flowers, for which you can use lilac or bird cherry. If you are a fan of conifers, they are best planted with annual climbing specimens. As such plants can act as sweet peas, and various climbing roses and ivy.
Как by myself сделать дизайн?
If you want to do landscaping by myself, you should take advantage of the tips that give professionals. They will give you the opportunity to create a cozy and beautiful suburban area. Here are some tips to help you create a beautiful design with your own hands:
- To give your garden modern Look, you should split the lawn into several sections and plant flowers and ornamental plants. This will give your site originality.
- Creating a landscape design of your own summer cottage, make winding paths. This design element will make your site mysterious.
- A variety of crafts at their summer cottage emphasize its uniqueness and give your site a beautiful and interesting look.
- Use for landscaping a variety of decorative plants that can decorate your site most of the year.
- A variety of colors of plants will look great in your garden.
- It is possible to decorate your own summer cottage with the help of scrap materials, be it fragments of old wood or stones of various sizes.
- If you want to make an artificial water, it is appropriate to decorate it with flowers planted around it. It will look unusual.
- Do not forget about such a design element as a bench, it will act not only as a good place to rest, but also as an original design solution.
Create a beautiful and originally designed landscape design - not an easy task. But if you manifest fantasy and take into account the advice of professionals, you can create a beautifully designed suburban area, where you can be happy to spend time!