Garden swing

Garden swingGarden swing уже давно стали удобным и практичным предметом для загородной дачи или дома. Они впишутся в любой corner вашего сада и, как часть ландшафтного designа, украсят сад вашего дома. Их можно изготовить из подручных материалов в самых необычных формах: из бревен, можно с резной беседкой, в виде гамака и даже из автомобильных шин.


  • 1 Garden swing models
    • 1.1 Garden swing детские
    • 1.2 Swing sofa
    • 1.3 Swing unusual design
  • 2 The process of making a swing
  • 3 Production process
  • 4 Swing with a seat from car tires
  • 5 Swing Placement

Garden swing models

Garden swing детские

The most important thing for children is to be in motion all the time, as they develop faster and more harmoniously. Therefore, it is important for them to have a sports ground, on which, of course, there must be a swing.

Swing for children must be securely fastened and safe from accidental overturning. Making their design depends on your imagination, and the material for construction can be:

  • plastic,
  • tree,
  • metal.

The most common today are outdoor baby swingIn the summer they can be installed in the garden, and in the winter time rearranged into an apartment.

Swing for children is different from adults not only in size and design. There should be no sharp corners in their design, removable parts and there should be limiters on the upper crossbar so that the child cannot make the “sun”.

Swings for the smallest are equipped with belts or slats for the insurance of plastic or wood.

Swing sofa

Swing sofas It is easy to make and they are compact and comfortable, they can be placed not only in the garden, but also on the veranda or in the gazebo. They can be equipped with soft seats and back, and if necessary, converted into an extra bed for guests.

Swing unusual design

Some craftsmen build a swing in the form of a suspended bird's nests, orange or egg, made of weaving from the vine. You can also make a swing seat out of used car tires.

No need to think that the swing can only be used in the warm season. In late autumn and winter, you can wrap yourself in a warm blanket and swing with a cup of coffee in your hands, enjoying the views of the winter garden.

The process of making a swing

Make a garden swing yourself not only financially sparingly, but it also brings joy to both adults and children, since it is possible to realize any fantastic construction that is not on sale.

Most easy and affordable The swing model consists of a board on a stand. To make it, you need a minimum amount of tools and materials. For the smallest children, this design is not suitable, since there is no back, handrails and protection against falling out on it.

In any case, for the manufacture of garden swings need a drawing, especially if you do the design of the sofa type. Although the design is not very complicated, it has some features that need to be performed in a certain sequence.

Wood and metal can be used for the construction of a swing. But since the child has a small weight, then a wooden structure will be enough for such a model of a swing.

For other designs it is better to use metal, at the same time the decisive factor in the choice will be whether you have the right material and what load is expected on the swing in the future. Not the last factor will be the cost of construction.

To provide the necessary strength and load of not less than 200 kg, a diameter of 60 mm will be suitable for bearing pipes and the larger the diameter, the greater the load the swing will withstand. The height of the structure should be from 1.5 m and above, taking into account the growth of children. After the selection of materials you can begin construction, while you need to use the drawings.

Manufacturing process

Garden swingFirst of all, we dig pits about 1.5 m deep to strengthen the bearing piers. After their installation, we bury and pour concrete solution to a depth of approximately 0.3–0.5 m.

Расстояние между стойками делаем произвольным, в расчете на сидение и с учетом габаритов людей. Сверху на опоры укладываем брус одинакового размера с опорами и прибиваем гвоздями, если опоры metal, применяем сварку. Хотя конструкция garden качелей и упрощенная, но она обязана быть безопасной для эксплуатации.

For hanging the seats You can simply throw the rope over the crossbar and tie it, you just need to ensure that the rope does not fray. For greater reliability, you need to insert threaded hooks into the upper crossbar and fasten with nuts. When the metal crossbar hooks welded.

For the manufacture of seats can be used lots of designs. You can use a board or a small plastic or wooden high chair. You can also fasten it with threaded hooks or simply make holes and tie.

Final finishing of the construction is obligatory, regardless of what material the swing is made of. Iron pipes need to paint with paint, swing for children need to cover the fun shades. Wood supports must be varnished, not forgetting that only well-polished parts are used.

Swing with a seat from car tires

Swing Tire SeatManufacturing This seat differs only in fixing features and is performed in two versions:

  1. Application whole tires, mount directly to it. A rope is passed through to the pre-drilled holes, and strong knots are tied from the inside. Or threaded hooks are inserted into the holes, a rope is attached to them, and a nut with a washer is screwed on the inside.
  2. You can apply two cut tiresby applying cut parts with a tread pattern. We fold one tire twice and settle across the other to form a cross, strengthen it at the junction, attach a rope to the bottom tire.

Instead of ropes or ropes can be applied chains, to avoid chafing.

Swing placement

One of the special places in landscape design is for garden swing, you can not find anywhere else more convenient and comfortable place to rest. You can arrange them almost anywhere: in the gazebo, patio next to the barbecue, especially if they are made with your own hands.

Garden swingIn order for swings to become an integral part of landscape design, you need to pay attention to the material from which they will be made. The most beautiful are swings made of wood, which can fit into design garden and convey the warm and cozy atmosphere reigning in the garden. Swings of this design are always elegant and fashionable, and will be in place at any time.

Began to use and popularity metal products, thanks to its durability and long service life. Similar swings are well perceived complete with soft pillows. The disadvantage of such a swing is their heating in the sun, however, such discomfort can be avoided by using wooden or plastic seats.

The best place in landscape design for a sofa-type swing will be quiet. corner garden, porch and terrace, a platform for feasts, where the swing can be used in the form of a bench, it will accommodate 3-4 people.

Of course, can be purchased without any problems, swings in the store or, even easier, by ordering online, and you can find a large number of different options for every taste and at different prices. But none of the options acquired in trade will be as interesting and attractive as the garden swings made on their own. Besides making your own individual creative project, you can make them not only originalbut also the envy of the neighbors.