Extension of the veranda to the house

VerandaA private house with a veranda looks much more interesting than its counterpart without a useful extension. A remarkable feature of this additional architectural element is that it can be erected, both simultaneously with the construction of the building, and - much later. Let us consider in more detail what types of verandas are, their features, how to independently attach the veranda to the house and how best to arrange it.


  • 1 Why add a veranda to the house?
  • 2 What are the verandas?
  • 3 How to independently attach the veranda to the house?
    • 3.1 Arrangement of a columnar foundation of bricks
    • 3.2 Installing the plank floor
    • 3.3 Installing a wooden frame veranda
    • 3.4 Veranda roof
    • 3.5 Installation of windows and extension doors
  • 4 How to make a veranda attached to the house?

Why add a veranda to the house?

This elekgantnaya design has merits for the homeowner:

  • increase in usable area;
  • building decoration;
  • insulation of the house;
  • sound insulation improvement;
  • the creation of obstacles direct feed into the house of small garbage.

What are the verandas?

Types. Verandas can be built-in or built-in. Built-in structures located on the same foundation with the house, under the same roof and built simultaneously with it. Attached options they are built on their own foundation, have their own roof, can be created much later at home and have one common wall with the main structure. Attached verandas can be open (terraces) with or without roof closed. In the latter case, the extension walls are often made sliding so that they can be removed. So the room is transformed into an open version.

House with a verandaForms. Extensions to the house can have completely different configurations, from the classic rectangular to round or semi-circular. They are: triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal. The best additions look like the balcony on the second floor.

Materials. The verandas in classical and rustic style are made of wood and brick. Modern art nouveau buildings require a neighborhood of metal and plastic structures. Lightweight polycarbonate buildings are able to decorate any building.

Glazing options. As a rule, only one wall of the veranda (not shared with the house) remains glazed. In classic buildings, blind windows alternate with opening frames. Sometimes they use solid glazing: from floor to ceiling. An interesting solution in many cases may be to create transparent roof. Doors веранды обычно тоже делают стеклянными. Они могут быть как распашными, так и раздвижными.

Location and size. Veranda пристраивается к фасаду здания или в торцевую часть. Дверь в пристройку может располагаться по центру или сбоку. Размеры строений, как правило: 2.5−3 метра в ширину и до 6 метров в длину. Обязательно нужно следить за тем, чтобы пристройка была proportional to main building. Small verandas look ridiculous against the background of a solid mansion and vice versa: the annexes are equal in size to the main structure.

How to independently attach the veranda to the house?

Veranda в домеTypically, a veranda is from the same materialas the whole house. The easiest and most common in suburban areas - verandas of wood. They are attached to wooden houses (in this case, any construction of plastic will look ridiculous). The patterned porches made of wood, along with brick houses, also look good. Merits extensions of natural material are obvious:

  • ease of construction does not require laying a serious expensive foundation;
  • economy (the material itself and work with it are cheaper than other options);
  • aesthetics. Wood, which is used in construction, allows you to create unique author designs, decorated with unique carvings;
  • versatility. They combine well with wooden houses and brick buildings in a classic and rustic style.

But not without flaws: built of wood require special care, easily ignite.

One of the advantages of a wooden veranda is the ability to build it yourself. This will allow cut costs twice for the project. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this. Further, the main stages of such construction.

The device of the column basement from bricks

  1. Bookmark support pillars in the ground support and corner racks of the frame at a distance of 60−70 cm from each other.
  2. In places where pillars are located, pits are dug at least 1 meter deep.
  3. At the bottom of the pit laid sand pillowThe thickness of which is 20 cm. It is recommended to make a pillow of gravel or rubble on sandy soil.
  4. The foundation for the verandaHot bitumen (this is waterproofing) is poured over the layer.
  5. Then in the hole laid concrete layer, its surface is aligned horizontally.
  6. On a frozen foundation, columns of brick of necessary height are built, which should be such that the floor of the veranda is 25–30 cm below the floor of the house. Then the total height of the veranda will be equal to the height of the living rooms.
  7. Mounted brick pillars are coated with bitum.
  8. Backfilling pits. For this, the voids are filled with rubble, gravel, broken brick or similar material.

Installing the plank floor

  1. Wooden logs are mounted on the frame bottom trim.
  2. Then on them fix edged boards.
  3. All elements for the floor must be treated antiseptics and paint any paint intended for exterior work.

Installing a wooden frame veranda

  1. Veranda frameOn the base of the foundation columns are laid lower pipingusing the usual bars 10 × 10 cm, 12 × 8 cm.
  2. Mounted vertical racks, fastened with strapping with nails, screws and staples. Racks must be installed in the corners of the structure, as well as in the locations of window and door openings.
  3. Top mounted on racks mounted top binding from bars and rafters, fastened together by screws, nails, staples. On the one hand, the rafters are fixed on a horizontal beam-run, located under the roof of the house and connected to the vertical supports of the veranda, adjacent to the wall. The supports and the beam girder are fixed to the wall with anchor bolts.

Veranda roof

For the roof of the porch use the same material as for the roof of the main building. But you can apply any modern coating: polycarbonate, bitumen, tile, slate, corrugated sheet, steel sheets or roofing material.

Most often, they choose a sloping, inclined roof construction, since a horizontal roof will not allow melting snow and water sediments to freely flow down. Before laying the roof rafters mounted crate of bars. In the case of using a roll coating (for example, roofing felt), the crate is made solid (from wide boards). The polycarbonate veranda is made differently: bars are mounted on the rafters of the roof, serving as frames for polycarbonate glazing.

Installation of windows and extension doors

  1. Install and fix window boards at a height of 50−60 cm from the floor.
  2. Subwindow boards fixed on the uprights of the frame.
  3. Sheathe any material (wooden boards, clapboard, boards and the like) the gap formed between the floor and the window. If the veranda is intended solely for summer use, only the outside is trimmed. If the winter garden settles in, then the room should be warmed. foam or mineral wool. In this case, make and inner lining, which at the same time gives the inner space of the veranda a refined (lived-in) look.
  4. Doors set in any convenient place.

It is clear that before proceeding to the construction of such a useful room, you need to think about its further use. In this case, it will be possible to avoid errors during construction and decoration. Yes, and then do not have to redo the finished work.

How to arrange a veranda attached to the house?

Decor on the verandaDecor on the veranda должно соответствовать общему стилю дизайна дома. Следует учитывать, что три стены из четырех на веранде бывают остеклены. Таким образом, остается одна сплошная стена, вдоль которой можно располагать мебель, поэтому надо избегать установки на ограниченном пространстве веранды bulky deaf cabinets. Although this option is possible if the extension was built exclusively for auxiliary (economic) purposes. But it is rather an exception. As a rule, people on the veranda are resting, eating, having fun, and the like. It is worth considering various design options for additional square meters.

Summer cuisine. In such an extension, you can put a plate and several working surfaces. If the building is closed, it is best to use an electric stove, in addition, you need to take care of the hood. On the open verandas it is fashionable to put braziers or barbecues on which you can cook delicious dishes. Depending on the size of the building, together with a cooking area, you can place a dining table and chairs here. More details.

Canteen. One of the most successful options. There is nothing easier on the veranda to create a dining area with a table and chairs in the center of the room. The whole family will gather here. Joint meals are the best way to unite loved ones. The windows can be decorated with beautiful textiles that will complement especially well. classic design or emphasize the coziness of country music. Such verandah-dining rooms should be located in the eastern sector of the house, then breakfast will take place in the rays of the rising sun.

Bedroom. A very interesting option, especially in the case of a glazed roof. Fall asleep in the open air, what could be more romantic? In such a bedroom veranda there is a bed and bedside tables. Minimalistic design is most suitable for such premises.

Living room в верандеLiving room. Наиболее частый случай. Хозяева дома предпочитают использовать веранду для приема гостей, приятных бесед во время вечерних чаепитий. Если пристройка находится в западной части дома, это позволит в дружеской компании наслаждаться закатом. Veranda не должна быть ориентирована в сторону улицы. Если напротив окон находится соседский дом, necessarily need to plant trees. If the entrance to this extension is located in the center of the facade, a sofa and chairs are installed in one part of the room, a table with chairs in another part. It is appropriate to the abundance of decorative items on the shelves. Cushions will not be too much. If the room is in the south, especially roller blinds made of straw. They will cover the inhabitants of the house from the scorching sun in the sultry noon.

Winter Garden. In this case, it should be noted that the extension should not be passed. As a rule, such a veranda does not have access to the outside, and the only door connects it to one of the rooms in the house. Here the leading role is played by the choice of plants that fit well with each other, their beautiful location. Are appropriate sofa and armchairs. By the way, the best solution is wicker furniture. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of the room and its heating.

Regardless of the option chosen, the veranda will always serve as a successful addition to your home. Country buildings without such an element look like inferior. If this is your case, it's time to start building a useful extension!