Marina filippova: apartment in moscow city

Marina Filippova, a decorator with European style and taste, designed an apartment in the City, where Anthony Gormley, Tony Crag, and Damien Hirst placed objects.

По теме: Marina Filippova: квартира декоратора

The presence of a customer's works of art requires special tact from the interior designer. If we are talking about world-class work, this quality becomes key. “Art in this case is primary. The design acts more like a background. I wanted to avoid sophisticated techniques, not to clutter up the space, to leave as much as possible the light and free space around the works. Furniture models, color, finishes - everything was selected so as to adequately present art. The point in the picture responds around in the ornament of the pillow, the lines of the coffee table are in tune with the sculpture's sculpture - similar rhymes are not intended, but they create a feeling of harmony and dialogue of things. ” The architecture of the place, the opening view also left an imprint on the project.

Velor upholstery and silk carpets soften the industrial landscape outside the window. Restrained tones do not distract attention from the panorama or from works of art.

The customer does not live in Moscow permanently. For him, this apartment is pied-à-terre: to receive guests, to conduct negotiations. And although the goal to create a "family nest" was not, Marina managed to make the interior very warm. The texture of rosewood, velor upholstery, silk carpets compensate for the abundance of glass and metal outside the window. “I always use natural finishes. I do not like imitation - when the material pretends to be what it is not. In the luxurious interior everything should be on top. " Here in the City it happened in every sense of the word.

The guest room is dominated by the work of D. Hirst from the Spot Paintings series. In the corner by the window is the work of E. Gormley. Minotti sofa, Casamilano chair, de Sede couch, Maxalto bedside tables. Hermes textile.

Драгоценное украшение квартиры — работа Тони Крэгa. 66-летний уроженец Ливерпуля входит в число известнейших скульпторов мира. Его прославили пластичные абстрактные работы из полимеров, бронзы, дерева, мрамора. «Произведения Крэга вводят меня в почти гипнотическое состояние, — признается Marina Filippova. — На выставке в Лувре я любовалась его работами среди античных скульптур, а в католическом соборе на Майорке — на фоне готических витражей. В гостинице Terre Blanche на Лазурном Берегу я останавливалась специально ради Крэга (концентрация современного искусства на единицу площади там превышает все ожидания отдыхающего)». Другая звездная работа — из серии Spot Paintings британца Дэмиена Херста, одного из самых высокооплачиваемых современных авторов. По мнению Марины, «работы с точками — самые миролюбивые и наиболее «интерьерные» из всех его выдающихся творений».

Обеденный стол Poltrona Frau, стулья Casamilano. На окнах текстиль Holland Sherry. На стенах краска Farrow & Ball.

From the very beginning, this project was considered as a decorator: the apartment did not imply reconstruction. “The terms we had were limited. In addition, the previous owner has already made repairs, - says Marina. - I did not object at all to the available planning, it was quite reasonable. The only "but": almost in the middle of the representative area, where the living and dining areas were meant, where guests are usually received, there was proudly a kitchen in this place. For me it was a shock: I do not like to build an interior around the kitchen. We found a way out by creating zoned lamellae - their angle of rotation can be varied, like a blind. They are exhibited in such a way that the incoming kitchen does not see. Although he understands that there is a certain continuation of the living room. In this way, we preserved the space, and the dominant role of the kitchen was significantly diminished. ”

Living room. One of the walls is occupied by the panel of the company Fromental. Handmade embroidery makes each copy unique, equating it to a work of art. On the console Baker composition Pom Pom K. Jeret. Living room. Sofa, armchairs, coffee table Baker. Floor lamps Baker. В квартирах, расположенных в Сити, ощущается эффект парения над городом. Элегантный рабочий уголок в спальне: стол, стул и лампа Baker. Встроенная мебель B&B Italia The kitchen area is highlighted by slate floor. At the window there is a nice place for breakfast. The kitchen located in the center of the apartment was concealed thanks to wooden lamellas. The texture of rosewood has added luxury and warmth to the interior. Warendorf furniture. Miele technique. Hansgrohe mixer.