Dacha design - what is it?

Plot designCottage is the place where people come to rest from the hustle and bustle of the city. On the site can be various buildings for household purposes and, of course, a house for the rest.

You always want the cottage and the site to be the subject of admiration of others, so many people think about landscape design. And it is not necessary to order the development of the project from specialists, you can, armed with your own imagination and some recommendations, create an absolutely unique design on a country site.

The design of the suburban area is a series of measures and techniques, the use of which ultimately allows you to make comfortable resting place and, at the same time, leave a place for planting crops. The second part (the garden), we will disregard, and then we will consider all sorts of methods of refining suburban area.

Decorate the plot at the cottage can be using paved paths, all sorts of sculptures, artificial ponds, ornamental fences and other details, must use different ornamental plants. About all this, and not only, we will talk further.


  • 1 How to make a nice dacha?
  • 2 How to make the tracks on the summer cottage?
  • 3 How to make sculptures for the suburban area?
  • 4 How to choose ornamental plants for the site?
  • 5 Recreation area in the country - how to arrange and arrange?

How to make a nice dacha?

Plot designDacha plot will be to look nice, if all the elements together represent a single idea. This can only be achieved with drawing up a work plan when the task is so - in a short time to completely create a new design on the site.

Independent work on the improvement of the territory start by studying ready projects, everyone will be able to translate their favorite idea. Only need to take into account soil quality on its plot and its area. So, in order to beautifully arrange the suburban area, you can do the following:

  1. Need to define the center of all exposure. It may be a small decorative pond, an old tree, a flower garden or a sculpture.
  2. Next we have to think about the location relative to the center of the other elements. First we determine which direction will be paved. decorative tracks in the garden. The beginning of each of them is a country house, and how many such tracks you will have depends on the project.
  3. After you can think about the location secondary decorative elements and the breakdown of the garden, flower bed, arrangement of recreation areas.

These are the stages that for making a plan works are required. The rest depends on the capabilities and imagination of the owners. In order to make your site beautiful, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money you can use proven methods:

  1. Laying natural stone. If earlier stones were laid out on pavements, now beds of stones are very popular. Also, the stone is used for lining the edges of an artificial reservoir, the foundation of a house, columns for a fence and so on.
  2. At the dacha there is always old rubbish that no one uses. If you have different pots lying around or clay jugs, даже сломанные, их можно использовать для украшения suburban area. Даже альпийскую горку можно украсить глиняными осколками, а рядом высадить цветы.
  3. From wooden boards you can make a flower bed even rectangular shape, only they will have to be treated with an antiseptic to prevent the wood from rotting. Of them you can also make a fence for the flower bed.
  4. Use thin birch twigs at the dacha can be used to create decorative fence, next to which you can plant grapes or plant flowers in small pots and fix them on the fence.

Everything else that could not be done independently, will have to buy. For the arrangement of the pond, you can use not only rigid containers, but also a film of polyethylene. And if you are lucky, and you have on the site small recess You can, without spending too much effort, make a pond there. It will look beautiful if all artificial materials are closed decor. When using the film you need to fix it. The easiest way to do this is with stones, they are placed on the bottom and along the top of the pond. After the rest visible places decorated with natural stones and water-loving plants.

How to make tracks on the summer cottage?

Paths in the countryThe tracks at the dacha are important element design. They can be loose, paved, concreted and even wooden. The easiest way to arrange bulk track. As a material, you can use gravel or crushed stone fines. In order for such a path to serve you for a long time, you need to lay it on the leveled surface. As a pillow use broken brick or pebbles. Only the layer should be thick enough.

There is only one rubble bulk track. significant drawback - over time, small stones can crumble. To keep the track in its original form as long as possible, it is better to make the sides border.

Paved paths on the summer cottage are most often made of paving slabs, while it is better to buy it in size not less than 30 * 30 cm. The tile must be compacted, for this it is laid on a torment and each tile is tapped with a rubber hammer. The distance should be minimal. For paving still use natural stones. It is better to take those of them that have a rough surface, so that when the weather is wet it is not slippery.

Concrete tracks - a mixture of concrete, rubble, water and sand. To make the path look beautiful, you can lay brick on the concrete. Only such a path should have a bias in one direction to divert rainwater.

Paths from a wooden bar on the summer cottage look spectacular, but before laying the timber must be well processed from the bottom. It needs to be coated with fuel oil. The bar can be of different sections, then the side bars will be the thickest parallel bars and the middle part of the track is laid symmetrically. Between the bars should lay the river sand, for this, after laying the track, the bars fall asleep with sand and pour water.

How to make sculptures for the suburban area?

As materials for the manufacture of sculptures at their summer cottage, you can use different old thingswhich decorate, decorate with plants, paint or varnish. Handy materials for sculptures can be:

  • tires from the car;
  • old shoes;
  • broken jugs or buckets;
  • and even polyurethane foam or glass bottles.

Sculptures for givingMany make beds of automobile tires on their plots. There are a lot of photos on the Internet where tires simply cannot be recognized. They are cut out, turned out, painted, make figures. animals and other sculptures.

Polyurethane foam is used as an analogue of clay sculptures, but first you need to do wire frame. Foam is applied to it and, after complete drying, they begin to cut the workpiece. After, the mounting foam must be primed and applied. thin layer paint a suitable shade. How durable such sculptures, is unknown. But, starting with simple figures, you can complicate your work, and keep updating suburban area design.

Glass bottles can become beautiful decoration suburban area, if you make them a flower garden or a fence. It is possible to make a figure flowerbed of glass bottles, it looks very interesting. And if you buy flashlights on batteries for the garden area, and top them with glass bottles, you get luminous flower bed or track.

Old trash can always be arranged in the garden area, and inside plant flowers or other ornamental plants.

How to choose ornamental plants for the site?

  1. Shrubs to giveThe first thing that needs to be done for gardening the suburban area is define тип почвы On him. Completely different plants are suitable for different climates and soil composition. But the pre-designed site design also needs to be taken into account.
  2. Bushes are most often planted either along the fence in the country, or on the borders of different zones. Spreading trees can be planted near the recreation area so that a shadow emanates from the crown. Recreation area can be decorated with climbing grapes, but in order to create green arbor for vines need to make a frame of twigs.
  3. Barberry - universal shrub for any kind of soil, its height reaches no more than a meter, and the color of foliage and berries depends on the variety. In the sunny areas it will grow well sprawling shrub - action. On the dark side can be planted dogwood. This shrub feels good there. As a shrub for hedges, you can choose spirea, which is growing rapidly and unpretentious in the care.
  4. Decorative green sculptures can be made from boxwood bush, it can be planted in any soil except very dry and very humid. Of course, not all the shrubs that are used for landscaping the suburban area, there is also many others decent options.

As for the breakdown of flower beds, there is a lot depends on desire the owners in terms of their care, and from the developed project as a whole. Arbor at the cottage can be planted with clematis, they belong to the family of the windweed, therefore with growth they will start to plant a gazebo. Clematis is also very beautiful blooms. Peonies and lilies can be considered traditional flowers for gardening, often roses are planted. Flowers are separate topic for every summer resident, almost any kind of them can be grown in our climatic conditions. Therefore, the choice entirely depends on the preferences of the owners of the site.

Recreation area in the country - how to arrange and arrange?

Recreation area in the countryBeautiful appearance of the suburban area is the main goal of its arrangement. Hosts and their guests should be comfortable to rest and greenery and the rest of the design - to please the eye. The resting area is best located in a shady corner of the garden, and its design style should match general design direction. This can be a stationary gazebo with a dining area or a portable tent, if it fits into the design. You can and chaise lounges to put, everything is completely at your discretion.

The desires of each family member and his needs must be taken into account when creating a recreation area. moreover, most often the owners, without knowing it, make several places for quiet pastime. If your summer house has an open terrace or veranda, then this place is worth it. equip first. It will be nice to have lunch or read in the fresh air surrounded by beautiful landscapes created by you personally. You can hang light curtains. Different soft pillows, rocking chair and cozy puffs will create cozy atmosphere.

The next area of ​​active recreation can be a game playground. But she absolutely must be in the shade so that children and adults do not get sunstroke. It is drawn up in accordance with the age of children; for very small ones, a lawn can be broken at this place. And for older children, you can build a small wooden house, put different sculptures from wood or make a miniature sports field.

The whole project should be a single organism each zone is designed in the same style. This also applies to plants on the site, the beds can be duplicated, having them symmetrically, but the main thing in the design of the summer cottage is correctly selected central composition.