Creating a flower bed with your own hands

Садовые flower bedsCottage is a place where, after stress and a frantic pace of the work week, a person finds peace and gets rest, which is necessary to restore his mental and physical strength. The beauty of nature is the best medicine in the conditions of the modern man-made world. But even more pleasure and satisfaction brings the magic of flowers, collected in fancy patterns by their own imagination and work.

No matter how beautiful the dacha is, but without flowers it is pale and sad. Only ornamental plants and flowers add bright colorful strokes to the entire landscape, illuminating it with life and energy even in cloudy weather.

For many centuries, people have created flower gardens and lawns of various sizes, types and forms in their lands. One of these man-made creations, which has received the widest distribution, has become a flower bed.

In the modern sense flowerbed it ceased to be just a small single-level plot of land with a fairly correct configuration of various geometric shapes, with an elevated center for a better view. Now these are various flower gardens for summer cottage, created in a completely unusual environment on the ground, floating on water, vertical, stepped, suspended and mounted on stands, framed by stones and various objects and materials.

But the main thing is that in a properly organized flower bed the plants bloom throughout the warm period.


  • 1 types of flower beds
  • 2 Materials for flower beds
  • 3 Types of wicker beds
  • 4 Изготовление flower beds
  • 5 Planting Rules

Types of flower beds

Traditionally, flower growers distinguish the following types flower bedsthat can be created in the country:

  1. Regular flower beds - perennial with a clear geometric layout of the internal space:
    • curbs — узкие полосы (до 0,5 м) декоративных растений, цветов и кустарников с параллельными границами, обрамляющие дорожки, flower beds, газоны, постройки и край партера;
    • flower beds - areas of any shape with clear borders with flowers and ornamental plants, rather small in size;
    • rabatki - long rectangular stripes (normal ratio - the length of at least four widths) of flower plants planted in several rows, usually along the paths. Their width ranges from half a meter to two meters;
    • партеры - viewed entirely from any point on the plot or from the house, a composition of flowers, plants, shrubs and sculptures, fountains for the dacha, flowerpots, gravel sites with a contour of a curb.
  2. Garden flower bed with their own handsWith an arbitrary layout, irregular arrangement of plants and fuzzy boundaries:
    • mixborders - elongated flower beds of continuous flowering of any forms and with a mixed set of various plants;
    • rock gardens - stony hills with small rocks, streams and reservoirs covered with wild plants and some types of garden flowers. The most common rockeries - flower beds, located on the stones;
    • groups - free compositions of any shape from flowers and ornamental plants on open plain areas.

The flowerbeds are divided into several featured:

  • Regular flowerbed. В ней цветущие растения образуют строгий, как правило, симметричный геометрический узор. В каждый конкретный момент всё пространство flower beds заполнено синхронно зацветающими и отцветающими цветами, а границы между растениями подчёркиваются различными способами, вплоть до дополнительных дорожек из песка или гравия. Этот тип flower beds очень красив, но требует трудоёмкого careа и редко используется на дачах;
  • Irregular flowerbed создаётся из небольших групп цветов и растений. Здесь может не быть чётких геометрических форм и вид у такого цветника значительно более естественный. Plants для этих клумб подбираются таким образом, чтобы цветение было обеспечено в течение всего теплого сезона. Часто для упрощения careа в такие flower beds высаживают многолетние растения;
  • Vertical flowerbed — трудоёмка в создании, но очень необычна, так как в ней используются цветы различной высоты. Часто изготавливают каркасы с контейнерами для landing цветов на разных уровнях, что позволяет формировать как разнообразные фигуры, так и стены или ширмы из цветов;
  • Monoclumbaba образуется из цветов одного вида, но разных по сорту, цвету и высоте, хотя наиболее шикарно выглядят моноflower beds одного цвета;
  • Carpet flowerbed требует очень сложного careа, так как рисунок создаётся из листьев невысоких растений с ярко окрашенной листвой. В результате возникает орнамент восточного ковра;
  • Arabesque - has the form of inscriptions, symbols and figures from flowers and plants.
  • Clown-panel - This is a picture of small flowers and plants. Usually depicted some complex shapes, watches, butterflies, dragonflies etc. This is a synthesis of a sophisticated arabesque and carpet flowerbeds;
  • Elevated — это flower beds, сделанные в виде ступенек или ярусов, могут быть круговыми и тогда выглядят очень выигрышно на дачном участке.

Materials for flower beds

Материалы для создания flower bedsTraditionally, flowerbeds were laid around the perimeter with stones or reinforced with wooden pegs. Using various sizes natural stone, Gravel, pebbles, boulders etc. You can get a different type of beds, as well as change their level relative to the surface of the earth. Similarly, you can change the look of the flower bed, using different heights and diameter of stakes.

At the present time, along with the usual flowerbed fencing systems, many non-standard materials have gained popularity.

Flower beds of tires - the most common way to design a suburban area. To do this, they are put on the ground, covered with soil and planted in them plants and flowers. Often the tires are pre-painted in any color. Most often used single tires, but sometimes they lay out the complex patterns, within which are created fancy combinations of colors.

Другим решением является устройство острова из трёх металлических прутков или арматуры, на которые нанизываются старые шины, с предварительно вырезанными сбоку отверстиями для цветов. На каждом уровне шины заполняются грунтом и в отверстия сажаются цветы (обычно стелящиеся). Таким методом создаётся некоторое подобие вертикальной flower beds.

Wheels with discs can be turned into a large enough pot. The top of the tire is cut by the teeth and turned inside out. In this case, the disk and the lower part of the wheel becomes a support for the upper part and it turns out a pot on the stand.

A fairly traditional, but rarely used at present, fencing is weaving. For this you can use the willow, hazel, birch, willow twigs; branches of dogwood, apple, raspberry, and grapevine. All these shoots very flexible and easy to peel.

Types of wicker beds

Flowerbed of weaving plantsGround - This type is most common. As a rule, braided decorative fencing is done. Less commonly, for small flower beds, weaving is used in the form of a basket having a handle, with the help of which it is possible to move such a flower bed around the section.

Hanging - It is a small, easily placed basket in the form of a round box, a ball, a cone, and even a rectangular or polygonal box. Suspension mount is durable and usually rotates 360 °.

A more unusual is a flowerbed, reinforced with glass or plastic bottles. The fence of glass bottles is made by burying them neck down, plastic — first filled with sand, covered with lids, and only then buried. Bottles buried at least half their height.

In addition, at the summer cottage, you can make a pot of glass bottles, stacked in the center of the necks, immersed in cement mortar. Such a flower bed can be quite tall and, collected from identical bottles, looks very impressive.

There are many others. exotic материалов для изготовления flower beds.

A flower bed can be made from an old umbrella stuck in the ground, but it will be short-lived. But you can make a similarity of such an umbrella out of plywood and rods, and such a construction will last more than one year.

You can use the old uprooted rotten stumpby pouring earth into it and getting an original and unique flower bed. Similarly, logs with a rotten or slotted core can be used.

Convenient to use and old barrels, buckets, troughs, cars. They need to be updated, painted in bright colors. Old clay and cast-iron pots, Krynka and imitation of amphorae and other ceramics can give some charm.

Products specially made for landscape design are very popular. coasters under fresh flowers in the form of vintage bicycles, carts, as well as a variety of garden figures. Such decorative elements are so diverse that they will always help create a unique flower garden.

Изготовление flower beds

Садовые flower bedsCreature beds subject to certain rules:

  • Place for flower beds is planned in advance on open aligned space;
  • Для обеспечения правильного careа за растениями на клумбе должен быть обеспечен подход к ней с любой стороны;
  • It is desirable to give the flowerbed such dimensions and shapes so that it can carry out the necessary work on any of its sections;
  • Flowers in the flowerbed should be not less fifteen centimeters;
  • Красота flower beds достигается не вспомогательными материалами, а самими цветами их фактурой и цветом;
  • Do not repeat other people's drawings and ideas, the greatest achievement is uniqueness flower beds.

Planting rules

Другим важным элементом устройства flower beds является соблюдение правил landing the plants themselves:

  • The form and the size of the flower beds are selected according to the suburban area. When a large area is recommended the creation of several flower beds;
  • Plants подбираются для цветения весь тёплый сезон. Следует комбинировать ранне-, средне- и поздноцветущие декоративные растения с видами, цветущими всё лето;
  • Plants ranked by height. Usually higher plants are planted in the background of flower beds adjacent to walls or fences, mixborders and curbs. And if the flowerbed is round or has an approach from all sides, they are located in the center;
  • Plays a large role in the selection of plants illumination flower beds. Depending on the exposition, shade-loving or light-loving flowers are planted. A number of flowers tolerates both sun and shade, and therefore is widely used to decorate flowerbeds;
  • It is also necessary to take into account the need of plants for moisture. Flowers are divided into those that die without regular watering, and are resistant to drought. The choice is made based on the possibility of providing appropriate care;
  • Flowers are picked by color and its compatibility. The palette is created from three primary colors - blue, red and yellow. The remaining colors always play an additional role. White color looks great separately, but can be combined with any colors. It must be remembered that, as a rule, monochrome flower beds look very advantageous, some two-color contrasting and shifting tricolor combinations are harmonious;
  • The brightest spot in the flower bed should be her central часть, где высота растений не должна превышать трети её диаметра. Нерегулярные flower beds могут иметь шахматную или ассиметричную посадку. Plants, на которых фокусируется взгляд, высаживаются по одному или небольшими группами;
  • Если нельзя обеспечить необходимый care за растениями, то желательно использовать многолетники. Если care не является проблемой, то лучше создавать flower beds из однолетних растений.

Despite the fact that устройство flower beds на даче не является очень сложным, оно требует тщательности и достаточно хороших знаний особенностей выращивания различных цветочных культур. Кажущаяся простота подбора цветовой гаммы flower beds также требует большого вкуса и знаний. Во многих случаях перед началом работ по созданию flower beds имеет смысл обратиться для разработки проекта к ландшафтным дизайнерам, а сами работы можно провести самому. И всегда будет возможность добавить свои собственные unique items.