Today, anyone who has a cottage, a country house, or has just purchased a land plot for construction, cannot imagine a holiday with his family or friends without a traditional barbecue. Moreover, between the phrases “relax in the country” and “cook kebabs” you can put a sign of identity, so closely associated is the notion of dacha rest with cooking kebabs in the open air. And for cooking kebab, of course, requires the right grill.
Of course, many have a conventional, folding grill, which is easy to install anywhere in the summer cottage. And if the rain, bad weather? Do I have to cancel the long-awaited kebab? Of course not! After all, in the country you can equip a stationary place for cooking and gathering with friends and family. To do this, you only need to allocate a small space on the site and build a gazebo or shed.
- 1 Do we need a shed for the brazier?
- 2 What are the awnings for the brazier
- 3 How to build a canopy for yourself
- 4 Options for barbecue sheds
Do we need a shed for the brazier?
Decide how a necessary shed, you can only yourself or the family council. Do you stay in the country from time to time or spend all the weekend there? Love to cook and collect companies on weekends? Or maybe you spend your vacation in a country house, or live from early spring until the cold? By answering these questions, you will most likely make an unequivocal choice - a canopy is necessary. Even if it's not often you cook kebabs, but a canopy will help:
- First of all, protect the grill from rain, so that it does not rust;
- secondly, you will always have firewood for fire next to you.
But what size and from what material will be a canopy - it all depends on your imagination, free time and ability to handle tools.
What are the awnings for the brazier
First you need to decide whether you want to build a shed only to cover the grill from the rain and hide yourself, or plan to equip the shed, under which you can lay a table for several people small summer kitchen? Sheds come in different sizes. There are ready-made prefabricated canopies for every taste and wallet, but will you really be content with a canopy like everyone else?
Then it remains to determine the size of the site, with the design of the canopy and the material that will be used for the foundation, frame and roof.
How to build a canopy for yourself
The easiest way to do it yourself wooden construction canopy. Such a canopy should be installed on a column base.
Main structural elements future canopy for barbecue:
- Columnar foundation. It can be made of bricks. Pillar foundation laid out in a half brickreinforced with steel wire. Deeper enough to 50−60 cm
Frame made of timber. The frame consists of a lower horizontal belt laid on the foundation, vertical posts in the corners, upper horizontal strapping and rafters, on which the roof will be laid. If the size of the canopy is large enough, then in the center of the gazebo, under the future "ridge" of the roof, additional racks of timber must be installed. The bar is square squared, dimensions 10 × 10 cm, or 15 × 15 cm. For rafters, we use a cutting board 4–5 cm thick and at least 10 cm wide. A 20 mm thick trimming board is required for a roof batten.
- Floors. Floors can be laid out from a usual edged board from 30 mm thick, or from an artificial terrace board which not afraid moisture and temperature changes.
- Roof. The construction of the roof can be made simple - sheathing the sheathing, we make vapor insulation or roofing material, we lay metal tile over it.
Let's start with the layout of the site for the construction of a canopy. Mark up the corner marks, hammer in the wooden pegs and stretch the rope between them. You need to check the accuracy of the markup, if you have 90 degrees angles. This can be verified in an “old-fashioned" way, fairly accurate. It is necessary to construct a right-angled triangle with an angle of 3x4x5 parts, where 5 is the hypotenuse,
Refined the markup, now proceed to digging holes in the corners for foundation devices. Достаточно выкопать яму шириной 50×50 см и столько же в глубину. Ширина 50 см позволит спокойно уложить внутри кирпичную кладку, размеры которой будут примерно 40×40 см, если выкладывать in a half brick. Над поверхностью земли столбы следует вывести не менее чем на 15−20 см для вентиляции полов. На дно ямы насыпаем гравий и разравниваем. Кладку производим из красного кирпича на цементный раствор М300. Можно купить в строительном магазине готовую сухую цементно-песчаную смесь. Толщину швов делаем no more than 10−12 mm.
When laying bricks, you should lay a steel wire in the lower rows and let the two ends out, then you can fix the timber of the lower tier and prevent displacement.
Check if the pillars are lined up to the same height. To do this, you can use a laser level, but you can use a normal construction level. Since the length of the level is small, we lay it on a flat long board and put the board between the pillars. If the height of the pillars is different, you can apply a layer of cement mortar on the top of the pillar and smooth it.
Getting down to frame device. Timber saw off to size. At the junction at the corners in the timber it is necessary to make grooves with a width equal to the thickness of the timber and a depth of half the thickness. We lay the lower tier on the pillars. On the poles, under the bars, should be placed waterproofing of roofing material. So the tree will be protected from moisture, which will be absorbed through the bricks.
Now we saw out vertical racks of equal length. To fix them in the corners, you need to make a mount type "Thorn groove". To do this, at the ends of the vertical posts you need to make a spike with a length of 5 cm and a width of 4 × 4 or 5 × 5 cm, depending on the cross-section of the bar. If the timber you have is 10 × 10 cm, then the spike should be made 4 × 4 cm. Now in the lower tier, in the corners, you need to cut a hole with the chisel of the same size as the spike. Install racks in the grooves and temporarily fasten braces from the string.
Now you need to prepare upper tier frame. We do it on the ground or on the lower tier. Also measure the length of the timber, zapilivaem grooves for joining the bars and cut down the grooves for the uprights. To install the structure up you may need helpers.
When the upper tier is installed, check the verticality of the racks and fix them for good, removing the temporary braces. You can fix metal corners with holes for nails or screws, and you can make braces from the board. Such an angular element will give a canopy similarity with buildings on a ranch in the Wild West.
It remains the most responsible - roof installation. The angle of the roof slope can do any, as visually you like, but not less than 10 degrees. It should not be less than the angle of snowflow breakdown,
Rafters should be cut out in advance and collect the elements on the ground. You need to collect a pair of rafters and fasten them together. Then, together with the assistants, install them and lay the sheathing of the string on them and spread the roofing material.
Didn't we forget about the chimney? Now is the time to mark the pipe for hoods. We have a brazier at the bottom, where it will stand constantly, and fasten the hood over it. With the help of a vertical plumb mark the place of the roof below, where the pipe will enter and cut the sheathing with a hacksaw.
Getting down to finishing roof. The metal tile is laid, starting from the bottom. When you reach the hole in the roof, first, right on the spot, on the roof, mark the shape of the hole on the tile sheet, then go down and carefully cut it. Now you can finish, attach the ridge to the roof, and the roof is complete.
We lay floors, leaving a gap between the boards of a couple of millimeters for the drain of moisture, in the place of installation of the brazier we lay a metal sheet, install a brazier, a pipe and you can receive guests.
Options for barbecue sheds
As practice shows, all owners of country sites sooner or later come to the conclusion that a canopy is needed. And its advantages are obvious! This and the opportunity to gather a close company of men near the barbecue, while their wives are busy talking, this is an opportunity hide from the weather and cook skewers on dry wood.
Disadvantages? Perhaps there is one ... A canopy will not cook a kebab for you!