Alpine hill at the dacha

Alpine slide do it yourselfIf you have ever been in the mountains, you probably want to go back there again. But after all, in order to be in the Alps, it is not necessary to go somewhere, you can build a small alpine slide right at your dacha.

Альпинарий представляет собой каменную насыпь, на которой произрастают plants. Такой уголок дикой природы станет отличным украшением дачного участка, его изюминкой.

Of course, to create a beautiful alpine slide, you can contact the experts, but the slide, created with your own hands, will certainly please much more. Besides independent The arrangement of the roller coaster is a very interesting and creative process.


  • 1 Types of rock gardens
  • 2 Construction alpine slides do it yourself
    • 2.1 Drainage system
    • 2.2 Laying stones
    • 2.3 Ground selection
  • 3 Rock garden plants
  • 4 Alpine slide cost

Types of rock gardens

Designers distinguish several schemes Alpine slides:

  • Mountain valley - horizontal construction of large, small and medium stones, freely located throughout the area.
  • Scala - steep rock garden, at its base are large boulders, are located near the top of the middle, at the very top - small pebbles.
  • Terraced slope - this slide is based on a gentle slope, has a stepped appearance.
  • Mountain slope - construction with one slope. Large boulders are laid on top, and small at the base.
  • Stony wall - formed from flat stones, has the form of a border.
  • Forest Ravine - It looks like a shell and is decorated with large stones and moss.

The ideal place for the future "mountain" corner is plot land with irregularities, protrusions and pits. In addition, it is desirable that next to the hill there were no flower beds - they will overshadow the beauty of rock garden. Choose a place where it is sunny until 12:00, and then a shadow.

Place around the rock garden overlay tracksso that the lawn does not hurt.

Construction alpine slides do it yourself

Alpine slide do it yourselfDecide which one size slide you want to do. The height of the rock garden depends on its diameter: 1 meter of base corresponds to 15 cm in height. Carefully mark the starting position of the slide.

Build a rock garden better in the autumn, чтобы сделать его устойчивым к разрушению от осадков и ветра. Тщательно расчистите основание и снимите 30 см верхнего слоя земли. На такую подготовленную площадку можно устанавливать drainage the system.

Plan and organize the system moisture discharge. In the soil, designed specifically for alpine plants, moisture does not linger, and therefore it must always be dry.

Drainageная система

It is very important to properly organize drainage system, so that the soil under the rock garden does not subside and does not spoil the beauty of the design.

Drainage plot by stages:

  1. Dig a pit under the alpine slide. Him depth depends on the area of ​​rock garden: for a standard size of 2.5 * 2.5 m. The depth of the pit should be about a meter.
  2. Pour drainage layer. He is mixture broken brick, rubble, gravel, granite.
  3. Cover the first layer with sand or pebbles. Its thickness should be about 20 cm. Seal the two layers.
  4. Lay a layer of soil.

Laying stones

Alpine slide do it yourselfThis stage is the most crucial - precisely on how organically you arrange the stones, will depend on the aesthetics of the entire structure as a whole. The principle of laying stones is as follows: the largest stones should be laid down 1/3 of the height, then sprinkled with fertile soil. Small pebbles will decorate the top of the hill. Try to lay stones asymmetrically, because in nature there is no concept of "symmetry".

Сделайте альпинарий динамичным, не укладывайте the stones как кирпичи при строительстве дома, в щелях между камушками будут посажены plants.

Well seal the ground when laying stones, avoid the appearance of air holes.

After the stone composition is completely formed, allow time for shrinkage - about 2 weeks, and only then proceed to disembarking plants.

Soil selection

Если вы хотите, чтобы альпинарий украшали plants, то нужно позаботиться о грунте для них. Можно купить готовую землю для альпийских растений, а можно взять чистую глинистую почву, смешать ее с торфом (соотношение 3:1) и добавить немного гравия.

Rock garden plants

Alpine plantsAfter complete shrinkage каменной основы альпийской горки можно переходить к выбору plants. Они должны быть не только красивы, но и функциональны, ведь горка, в отличие от клумбы, делается не на год, поэтому отдайте предпочтения низкорослым многолетникам. Идеальный вариант — это лапчатка и спирея. Также для альпинария подойдут травянистые plants.

Landing plants by tier:

  • Vertex rock garden. A worthy place at the top of the structure will be taken by edelweiss - a mountain plant that feels perfectly under the scorching sun. Other plant on the top of the plant is not worth it - they may die.
  • The middle rock garden differs wet soil and a small amount of sunny color. Here you can plant an alpine carnation, sleep-grass or helianthemum monettate.
  • Reason. Подножие альпийской горки всегда влажное, сюда не попадают солнечные лучи, потому подойдут неприхотливые plants, например, папоротник, олений язык или саксифрага метельчатая.

Decorate rock garden can be fresh flowers, annuals. Also look beautiful composition, made of stones of different colors.

Remember that the alpine slide is a natural corner, which means there should not be glass or plastic on it.

Alpine slide cost

Alpine slide costIf you want to entrust the construction of rock garden to professionals, then select a company specializing in landscape design. The cost of services to create a small slide area of ​​2 square meters. m, with a height of 0.6 m in Moscow is 18 thousand rubles, an average slide of 4 square meters. m. will cost 30 thousand rubles., and the price of a large rock garden (an area of ​​6 square meters. M) starts from 50 thousand rubles.

Whatever way of landscaping you choose, independent or with the assistance of special companies, remember that the alpine slide will make your site unique and aesthetic.