Making a homemade lawn mower

Homemade Lawn MowerThe beautiful area around the building does not begin with a brilliant design idea, but certainly with careful care of it. The grass tends to grow, so it needs time to cut it. For this reason, any summer resident, or simply the owner of a private house, sooner or later faces the need to purchase a lawn mower. Caring for a garden plot requires a lot of effort, and, moreover, it is not always easy to do it manually. The lawn mower simplifies this process and also gives you the opportunity to engage in the formation of a unique landscape design, creating original drawings and patterns among the growing grass.


  • 1 Lawn mowers: their types and main features
  • 2 Lawnmower Selection
  • 3 Features of the homemade lawn mower
  • 4 Making a lawn mower do it yourself
  • 5 Conclusion

Lawn mowers: their types and main features

There are currently four varieties lawn mowers:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical;
  • rechargeable;
  • gasoline.

The first type is characterized by the simplicity of its structure. Using mechanical lawn mowers require some physical effort, which makes them unsuitable for work on large areas. Knives for cutting grass come into action directly from the movement of the wheels, which occurs as a result of pushing movements committed by man.

Electric Lawn mowers are considered to be very convenient to use, due to their low weight and compact body. These "babies" work on the network, so they connect to the power supply cable, which slightly limits the possibilities of their use. These lawn mowers are able to master an area of ​​up to 500 m2.

The most mobile lawn care option - use rechargeable lawn mowers. They can be used on fairly large areas and do not have a cable stop. These lawn mowers are powered by battery power, which allows them to be used on areas of any size.

Petrol device models are particularly efficient work. They can be called universal devices for the care of the garden plot. The range of use of gasoline mowers is so wide that it is impossible to accurately list all its components. The devices are used not only by the owners of private houses, but also by municipal utilities.

There are also lawn mowers trimmers. They can not be attributed to the general classification, they rather represent a separate subparagraph. Trimmers are electric and gasoline. In a way, they resemble an ordinary braid for cutting grass, only equipped with a motor. With the help of trimmers it is very convenient to clean the hard-to-reach places of lawns.

Lawnmower selection

Lawnmower TypesWide range product, on the one hand, simplifies the life of the buyer, and on the other - makes him feel a sense of uncertainty. Manufacturers produce so diverse versions of lawn mowers that it is often impossible to make the right decision in a short time. The choice should be influenced by several points:

  • financial capabilities of the buyer;
  • estimated load level;
  • relief features of the site.

Given the data factors, it is worth deciding on several characteristics for the desired lawn mower:

  • engine's type;
  • Construction;
  • optimum power.

Most economical вариантом являются mechanical газонокосилки. Дешевизна — едва ли не единственный плюс таких устройств, так как при их использовании требуются затраты немалых физических сил. Да и подходят mechanical газонокосилки не к любому типу местности. Лучше всего они справляются с обрезкой обычной газонной травы.

If we talk about automated приспособлениях, то стоит выделить электрические газонокосилки. Они практически не уступают устройствам других видов в мощности, но зато отличаются невысокой стоимостью. Byмимо этого, электрические газонокосилки очень удобны в применении благодаря своему легкому весу и компактной малогабаритной constructions.

Petrol устройства гораздо more powerful, than the previous form, while the price category, respectively, they occupy a high. In volume, such lawn mowers are quite massive, and in operation they are too noisy, which is not very convenient. However, with the help of gasoline devices you can handle areas with reliefs of varying complexity.

Choosing a lawnmowerConcerning rechargeable lawn mowers, they are not suitable as a basic tool for leveling lawns. The power of such devices is not too high when compared with gasoline counterparts. Well, compared to electric lawn mowers, they are too heavy. Battery devices are a great option for stripping hard-to-reach places on lawns. Price in such devices nice for buyers. It fluctuates around the cost of electric trimmers.

By constructions газонокосилки могут быть ручными или в виде тележки с четырьмя колесами. AT этом случае определиться с приобретением совсем несложно, нужно лишь обратить внимание на газон, требующий ухода. Если участок ровный, аккуратный и не заполнен кустами, а также высокой травой, то для его обработки подойдет устройство-тележка. Более сложные газоны лучше обрабатывать hand trimmers.

Recruitment устройства с подходящей мощностью должен основываться на деталях будущей работы. Естественно, что для более «запущенных» газонов необходимо приспособление с повышенными возможностями, ну, а для небольших участков с мягким ковром из травы будет достаточно и недорогого маломощного триммера. Electric газонокосилки представлены в rangeе товаров различных мощностей. Среди моделей с нижним расположением двигателя это значение варьируется между 300 и 600 ATт, а среди тех, у которых двигатель находится вверху — между 400 и 1500 ATт. Petrol газонокосилки обладают higher power than electric - from 800 to 2500 watts.

Features of the homemade lawn mower

Homemade lawn mowersAT leaving behind the garden plot, the lawn mower is a much needed thing. It costs a lot of money, and modern manufacturers do not always offer products that meet the desires of customers. A self-made tool can help not only save a certain share of finances, but also get a high-quality and powerful device with high efficiency.

The classic design of the lawn mower looks like this:

  • main frame;
  • engine;
  • knives;
  • protective cover;
  • wheels for moving the device;
  • control system represented by handles;
  • power switch;
  • power cable.

Frame газонокосилки, сделанной своими руками, должен быть металлическим. Собственно, на эту the basis и крепится двигатель, нижняя часть которого закрывается защитным кожухом. Frame держится на металлической раме, состоящей из уголков, с прикрепленными к ней колесами.

Creating a lawn mower do it yourself

How to create a lawnmowerMain flaw modern lawn mowers - they are made of plastic. This material is chosen by the manufacturers in order to reduce the weight of the device, but at the same time its performance is reduced as well as its service life. Therefore, in order for the lawn mower not to fail for a long time, with its home-made production it is necessary to take metal as a basis.

A lawn care device can be made personally in several stages:

  • manufacture of metal housing;
  • selection and mounting of the engine;
  • cutting disc and cutting knives from steel, and then connecting them with bolts;
  • the manufacture of the casing, its welding to the pipes of the housing;
  • fasteners knobs to control the lawn mower;
  • добавление к constructions кнопки запуска.

About the basis You can take any finished frame, for example, the metal part of the pram. The electric motor is also easy to borrow from any household appliance, but it is desirable that it has a decent power. It is best to disassemble the old washing machine or vacuum cleaner for these purposes. When mounting the engine, you need to ensure that the shaft is in the center of the chassis, clearly in the middle.

Next should make disc knife from sheet steel. It is necessary to choose the diameter of the hole so that it is equal to the diameter of the shaft. Cutting knives are best cut from alloy steel, and then attach them to the disk with bolts. For convenience, several holes should be made in advance at the edges of the circular knife, symmetrical with respect to each other.

Protective cover cut from steel with a thickness of 1.2 mm. It should be a circle with a diameter of about 530 mm, with a hole in the middle, 4−5 mm larger than the circumference of the motor shaft. The finished casing is welded to the body so that it overlaps the end of the shaft by 2.5 cm.

After fastener additional elements (start buttons and knobs) to the design of the mower can be considered ready.


Для того чтобы участок был аккуратным, за ним нужно ухаживать. Газонокосилка — самый популярный и эффективный способ обработки садовой площадки. Плюс данного устройства состоит в том, что его можно изготовить самостоятельно, используя, так сказать, подручные средства. Homemade Lawn Mower станет отличной альтернативой фирменным приспособлениям, а также significantly save financial expenses.