В частном доме почти всегда нужны дрова. Некоторые люди покупают уже заготовленные дрова, хотя на это приходится тратить гораздо большую сумму, чем того хотелось бы. Другие сами занимаются этой работой, тратя свои силы и время на заготовку. Чтобы ускорить этот процесс, люди разработали специальный machine под названием дровокол, который способствует быстрому и эффективному раскалыванию дров. Его основной принцип работы, преимущества и недостатки будут подробно рассмотрены в этой статье, также вы узнаете, как можно to build этот прибор своими руками.
Wood splitter is machinewhose main task is to collect firewood. There are professional and home devices. The first are used in large enterprises, the second are used at home, they can be made with their own hands. More on the classification of these species will be discussed later.
Professional wood splitters are a bit more difficult to use, as they are equipped with much more functions and their cost is quite high.
The device allows using not too much effort to get a powerful impact on the wood at one particular point, so that even the most durable wood should split into pieces.
As it is known, many owners of country houses heat their homes with firewood, therefore demand The wood splitters are growing every year more and more.
- 1 What are wood splitters
- 1.1 Mechanical devices
- 1.2 Hydraulic devices
- 1.3 Units with electric motors
- 1.4 Devices with a gasoline engine
- 1.5 Tractor-mounted devices
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of wood splitter
- 3 How to use a wood splitter?
- 4 TOак сделать дровокол своими руками?
- 5 Hydraulic wood splitter with their own hands
What are wood splitters
As mentioned above, all devices are divided into:
- professional;
- household.
They are also divided into mechanical and hydraulic logs. Also devices classified in the direction of supply of logs. Exist:
- horizontal;
- vertical;
- mixed wood splitters.
There is another common classification, depending on power sources. Thus, units with electric motors, with petrol engines, and tractor tractor were developed. Each of these wood splitters has its own design features and individual working principle. It is necessary to consider in detail each model separately.
Mechanical devices
They are often called конусными дровоколами, так как в качестве ножа выступает резьбовой конус, который вкручивается в бревно, раскалывая его на две или более частей. Такое device можно сделать своими руками, так как принцип его работы понятен каждому.
For more effective work with the help of the device, it is recommended to put a powerful electric motor. The frame of the device is performed in different ways, the most common is the frame on wheels. Thus, you will be able to easily move the wood splitter throughout the site.
Hydraulic devices
The principle of operation is based on the fact that hydraulic pump приводит в действие мощный нож, который надавливает на чурбак, раскалывая его. Такие устройства сложно to build самому, да и себестоимость запчастей может обойтись дороже, чем если бы вы купили уже готовый дровокол.
Units with electric motors
Electric двигатель приводит в действие hydraulic pump. Такой дровокол не нуждается в особом уходе, его можно устанавливать в любом помещении, хорошо использовать в household условиях. Главное — обращать внимание на мощность двигателя.
Devices with a gasoline engine
This wood splitter has a high powerthat allows you to use it for a long time, splitting the thickest and densest wood. Most often, devices are used in logging when a large amount of work is required. At the same time, today, one can often see wood splitters of this type at the dacha plots, which makes it easier for the landlord to work.
Tractor mounted devices
The principle is based on the fact that the wood splitter is connected to hydrosystems ordinary tractor. The devices are used in large industrial facilities where large volumes of products need to be harvested.
With regard to the direction of supply of logs, in some wood splitters the block is installed on a horizontal chute, in others the log is fed vertically, and still others allow combining both these possibilities.
Advantages and disadvantages of wood splitter
TO merits include the following points:
- minimum costs forces in the preparation of firewood;
- fast and effective Job;
- man does not even have to stoop in the course of work, which contributes maintaining his health;
- device always ready to work, it remains only to turn on the machine;
- opportunity continuous work for a long time;
- even a woman can work with a wood splitter, since brute male power is not required.
Among the shortcomings are the following aspects:
- complexity designs, especially when it comes to hydraulic logs;
- pretty high cost if you buy ready-made equipment.
TOак пользоваться дровоколом?
The device is quite easy to use in household conditions, although there are some nuances that you need to know and always remember.
For example, you made or bought a finished device with an electric motor. Then you should consider the engine power. It must be at least 3 kW and above. A good engine drives a pump, through which the threaded cone is screwed into the log and splits it into pieces.
Working with anyone the view drovokol, you must comply with safety regulations, otherwise you can get serious injuries.
The control lever of the device should be located away from the knives, as they are sharply honed and can also injure a person. Wood splitter recommended equip with special protection against accidental start of the unit.
TOак сделать дровокол своими руками?
Для начала следует разобрать device самого simple cone wood splitter, and then smoothly proceed to the design of a hydraulic device for harvesting firewood.
About the basis cone unit takes a powerful steel cone with a thread that will be driven by an electric motor. Such a cone must be turned on a lathe, after which a thread is made on it.
At the end of this phase of the work, the cone sits on shaft с подшипниками, происходит его фиксация с помощью штифта, что дает opportunity в дальнейшем снимать его с shaftа при необходимости. Нередко случаи, когда конус заwedgeивает в бревне, в результате чего его нужно выворачивать из полена.
Between the engine and the shaft is set spacer from pipes and nuts, which serves to tighten the chain. The device is almost ready - it remains only to start the unit and the cone will begin to rotate, twisting into the wood and splitting it into pieces.
Hydraulic wood splitter with their own hands
The simplest adaptation is possible to build as follows: a vertical frame is taken on the platform, a car jack is installed in its lower part. The upper part of the frame is detachable, which allows you to prick logs of different sizes and lengths on it.
A cone is used here as a knife. wedge, which is fed to the wood using a central screw, after which the jack enters the work.
You can create more complicated a structure that will include a hydraulic jack mounted on a stationary bed, but this work requires certain knowledge and skills, therefore, in everyday conditions it is not recommended to make such a cleaver.
As you can see, wood splitters are irreplaceable агрегатами в домашнем хозяйстве, помогая человеку заготавливать дрова для отопления собственного дома. Такое device можно to build своими руками, сэкономив при этом приличную сумму денег.